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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Practice #3-Blood

I switched my morning shift today, I worked almost 8hours yesterday, so I didn't need the money,
But, I needed the time to do homework.
I have an essay and an art project to finish.
I got to practice a couple of minutes late, I left my water and my skates, at Ci| Creative.
I got everything on and signed my name for the day.
I got out there still feeling shaky and my feet were killing me.
I fell directly on my ass once, but I was wearing padding so it still hurt but not as bad.
Then after a few minutes, we had to get in to a line for a weaving drill and we had to pick partners.
Well, a girl asked me to be her partner and she said she wasn't very good either, so I felt better about not being super duper awesome.
I was really nervous about falling and then she said something that made total sense, and even though I already knew it, it finally sunk in.
"Your going to fall anyway, so just do it."

After that, I was going faster with less and less concern about falling, because if i fell it wasn't a big deal. It isn't like my budding derby reputation was shot or that I wasn't going to get back up. Yeah it hurts to fall but if you get back up again, no point in worrying about how much it hurts.
After that, I fell only once when I wasn't trying to (two knee and one knee falls), and I managed to fall on a cheek. Which is the advised way to fall if your falling back.
It was awesome!
I was so proud of myself for skating decently fast without wobbling around the track.
We had to do these one knee spin falls around cones, and I almost fell because I spun too close to the cone so my other skate had no where to go. And people were cheering for me, and I didn't feel like such a dumbass for not being an awesome roller derby player, they obviously didn't think poorly of me for it.
So the whole time, if other girls fell, I was immediately asking them if they were okay and so on.
I had a LOT of fun.
My feet hurt and so do my legs, and I was extremely hungry.
But, I had fun.
I'm excited for tomorrow!


We were doing jumps by cones and I went to get my mouth guard and I bit down and it cracked one of my old teeth in two pieces (one still in my mouth), so I had to go to the bathroom and wash out my mouth. Even though I did it to myself, I felt like such a Badass.

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