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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

My make up for the day:

I spent the entire day preparing for NaNoWriMo, eating candy and watching re-runs of The Munsters and The Addams Family on Hallmark.
It did prompt me to buy a Munsters T-Shirt and the Horror Movie Hoodie.
*except that mine has silver lettering, not pink* (Thankfully!)

My favorite halloween costumes:
The Birds

Where the Wild Things Are (Homemade!)

What Do I Want?



$17.95 (Thermal)






Jackets and Other Stuff

I have a winter coat that I need to repair and sell.
I'm looking for a new winter coat.



$24.95 (The Harness)



Saturday, October 30, 2010

Too Creative??

Maybe I should've spent more time narrowing down my topics of possibility for my NaNo Novel...
I've got too many possible ideas and I need to decide here soon.
It is okay if I start on one topic and then shift though, since you edit AFTER November.
Possible Plot lines:
*Gene Splicing Cannibals.
They are man-kinds replacement here on Earth and we created them.

*Female sex trade or male point of view.
Child in America

*Aliens, the decomposers from a story line I created a while back.
Aliens that are here to eat away all man kind and the disease we have caused the Earth, because we are poisoning other planets.

*Cloning people then re-animating their bodies to create zombies.

Mortel Chocolat
*Marie Antoinette is a cannibal just like all the other people from rich societal standpoints.
Already have basis for this.

Dark Supernatural tale
*Alice like character adopted into family with two other daughters. She's a witch. Her eye is gouged out and the hatter has no tongue.

Strategies/ Miscellaneous Ideas:
*Main character is dead.
*Tell the story through multiple view points.
*Elizabeth Bathory
*Bubonic Plague
*Tell the story in jumbled order of time.


I'm participating in NaNoWriMo this year.
I'm really excited though.
I'm worried I haven't planned enough though, now that I think about it.
NaNoWriMo is National Author Writing Month, basically you spend all of November, from the stroke of midnight on October 31st till 11:59pm November 30th, writing a 50,000 word novel.
No editing.
I haven't decided what i'm writing about yet, and I need to clean my room this weekend.
My time to clean might be limited due to NaNoWriMo madness.
I'm getting ready to download a novel writing program, make some notecards of characters and possible plot scenes/sequences, and the climax.
Since you cannot write anything about the story until Nov 1st.
Gathering material will be a good idea.
I'm going to reduce the amount of reading I do, so that I can find time to participate in NaNoWriMo.
I'll see how it effects my art and I might have to work something out so I can still make enough art during November.
The league is going on a hiatus for the holidays here soon, so I might have to miss a tuesday or every other tuesday.
Unsure about it since this is my first attempt.
If I find time to write everyday it is 1,660 words (I believe), my goal is to spend certain days writing much more than that so I don't devote everyday to NaNo, it isn't entirely practical to do everyday.

Wish me luck eh?!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Frida Gustavson - Paris Fashion Week

hebergeur image
hebergeur image

J'aime bien cette distance qui existe avec les modèles
quand je les prends en photo. C'est une façon d'entretenir
le mystère qui se doit d'exister. Comme une barrière

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Top 5 Favorite Artists

1. Egon Schiele

2. Jenny Saville
3. Francis Bacon
4. Lucian Freud
5. Ivan Albright

(Not necessarily in that order)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Clothes, Clothes, and more Clothes



$56.00 (With a corset, an up do and pumps!)

$29.99 (Bone)
*I might have to make a purchase this weekend.*

*Still one of my favorites*


$100.00 (or so)
My love that is, winklepickers.
MMMMMM....I wants them!

Gotta Love Vogue-Italia!

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