So I felt that it needed to be stated that I don't claim to be a Goth. It gets tiring and frustrating being asked this question so often along with the "What is Goth?" question. I don't claim to be a Goth.
For starters, i'm not old enough to actually be considered a 'Goth' in the lifestyle sense and i'm unable to fully participate in the musical scene. What with so many shows 18+ or 21+. But even if I was I still wouldn't claim to be a Goth, because I don't see how it's necessary. I don't see why you should feel like your
obligated to tell people your a Goth. I think it's one of those things that if you are one by being yourself then you shouldn't have to tell anyone, they just
know. Another reason is because it makes me feel constricted in the sense of me not being able to be myself, even if I am one by being myself. It just makes me
uncomfortable. I'm much more content and well adjusted by being myself and if that makes me a Goth in your opinion then so be it, but it's unnecessary to tell me about it. I really don't care, and it'll just make me feel really
awkward around you, as though you expect me to be a certain person other than myself.
Hopefully now I won't get so many "Are you a Goth?", "Why don't you like being called a Goth?" questions. Just

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