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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

One of those...

Yes, i'm one of those. The earth nuts and animal rights activists. I sign petitions, I donate money, I recycle, Buy recycled products and I try to help animals that are being mistreated. I buy biodegradable products, and am thinking of switching to a moon cup. I plant trees and help wildlife. I try to walk wherever I can, I volunteer and I try to help educate. I am one of those people(as much as I can be at 17) and I am proud to be one. I care about Global warming and the condition our wildlife are in, I care about cutting down Rainforest's to make paper that people only use one side of. I care about the fact that so many people don't know about puppy mills or how their local pet store could be one of the most prominent places of animal abuse in their county. I try to only eat free range or humanely slaughtered meat products, I try to abstain from places or products that inhumanely treat animals or cause extreme pollution. I care about the sharks and the bears that are being torn apart so people can sell part of them illegally and then let the rest go to waste. I care about the fact that there are too many pets and not enough people who are willing to take care of them. I care about the fact that they depend on us for survival and we abuse them and kill them for useless reasons. I care about the fact that if pollution gets worse the plants will flourish but hold no nutrients for the animals and they will die of starvation causing our own extinction. I care about the fact that Bush wants to go against Eisenhower's original act and drill the arctic for oil. I care about the fact that were slowly destroying everything.

Why don't you?


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