Starring Alexis Bledel, Amber Tamblyn, Blake Lively and America Ferrera, this story is about how these girls found an pair of Levi's in a thrift store that magically fits all of them. And trust me-they have vastly different body types!

They decided to share these jeans amongst them during the summer all over the globe. And things happens when wearing these jeans. It first goes to Greek with Lena where she falls into the sea and nearly drowns- back home to Maryland bringing Tibby together with the most unexpected person- to Virginia where Carmen confronts her father-and finally to a soccer camp in Mexico with Bridget whose determined to get what she wants!

While it may be supremely sappy and cheesy at times, their friendship is heart warming. I am completely jealous. If only there really is a pair of Levi's that would fit all me and my friends-esp when they look as hot as that!! I can go on and on about this, but I don't want to ruin it for you. Go find out for yourself when it comes out in the cinema June 1-and report back!
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