Sadly, no.
We have local bands, but we don't have a large enough Goth scene or Alt scene here, to have bands or Goth nights.
The closest Goth night is in Champaign,IL, and Chicago is full of them!
I still haven't been able to go to any though, it is hard to commute without a car especially on school nights.
Even in college.
Here is a list of the bands that can be found in Chicago.
I've only been exposed to a small amount compared to the number available.
*I bought their first CD a while ago, it is signed and everything!
As for Goth nights, Chicago has Nocturna every month, Raise the Dead is less frequent, and some random ones pop up here and there. I typically focus more on Nocturna and nights that are off-shoots of it.
There is a Nocturn the 17th of this month, and I REALLY want to go.
Now, let's see if I can get a friend to come with me.
In other news, over at Raven Faes Creations they are having a give-away, which this user does one every week! It is really nice, because it is always halloween related (score!), and all of the items seem to be of quality and rather appealing to look at.
So go check it out!

Giveaway #5
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