Me under a tree at the Getty Museum
Feel free, and please do comment!
Suggestions are VERY welcome, after all, you guys are my readers; and like any good blogger, I aim to write about things I love to write about, and also things you like to read.
So far we've encountered a new one which is Goth Community, I decided that considering a majority of my followers are fellow Goths or people with Gothy inspirations or leanings. It made perfect sense to make posts you may be interested in, easier to identify.
Within this there are a couple of branches i'm thinking of creating.
1.Goth Community: DIY- this would include information about anything fashion or accessory friendly, that I make, wish to share(including tips on how to do it yourself), and other such things.
I know it is always a good idea for a Goth to have at least basic sewing skills, so since I can sew, I was thinking of sharing ways to sew zippers and other items that can be easily applied to say, a pair of your favorite pants to make them more Gothy.
Pockets inside skirts is one i'm dying to try out, anything I suggest or give out as a tutorial will only be because i've done it successfully.
2. Goth Community: Concerts- this would include any concerts i've been to recently, or when I go. I will recap, mention whether or not it was awesome, any other notable things etc. I'd love to do one on my previous concert in 2008, when I saw The Cure. I'm intending on seeing Peter Murphy in late November, actually i'll be there unless absolute dire circumstances occur. I've been trying to see that man for YEARS.
3. Goth Community: New Blood- This would feature anything new i've come across, now i'm not sure if it should just be 'new' items, or whether it should be anything that is new to me. As in, maybe I found a band that's been done for two years, but I want to share them with you guys. This would be ANYTHING gothy that is considered 'new', bands, clothing, literature etc. Any suggestions on which you'd prefer? Lumping it all together, or spreading it out? If I spread it out, what do you suggest I call it?
Another one you've probably seen recently is Non-post, this is an identifier whenever I discuss anything that pertains directly to me and my personal life: school, work, vacations, ranting/bitching etc. I decided this would make it easier for those reading to be able to skim over it if you are only here to read a certain type of post. Usually I follow the Non-post, with a keyword or words that defines the content.
A completely new feature i'm thinking of adding is, Artist's Corner- where I mention, discuss, show, worship etc. other artists, museums, my art what have you. I will take suggestions for who you'd like to see me talk about. I'm thinking of a basic structure being: a photo (if possible), either a bio or a bit of explanation if it is a museum or gallery, then with tons of photos. I'd also like to give a personal opinion, if it is a working gallery, as to the type of art that would do best here, based on environment, and other hanging art.
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