What I wore today
Today we went to the Getty Museum!
As you may have noticed, I skipped two days.
Those two days consisted of me sleeping, wearing PJ's, and watching movies.
I did, however, watch 'Remember Me' which was actually really good.
I also bought a few items at a local Hallmark store really late at night.
We were driving by, and I saw Halloween related items dimly lit in the window, and therefore had to go in. So I went as quickly as my combat boots would take me.
I spent 50$ total, one of those items is that lovely skull scarf i'm wearing in the photo to the left.
The other items i'll post later!
Moving on.
Today was a really great day!
We went to the Getty Museum, which is this gigantic museum, with a huge garden sitting on top of this huge hill mountain. The museum is up so high you get a perfect view of downtown LA from above for miles, it is really great.
Not to mention the museum admission is free, who doesn't love that?
Because it is set up so high on a mountain, you can't get there by driving.
So you park at the bottom of the hill, and a Tram comes to get you.
It is this long subway-esque thing on tracks that whisks you up the mountainside.
We saw deer on our way down.
One of the workers said they(the deer) love how quiet it is up there, so they sleep in the garden at night!
I did a few quick sketches while I was there, took down a bunch of artist names, and took a lot of photos.
I spent so much time standing there analyzing the flesh tones of certain painters, my parents were getting annoyed that I was taking so long.
They didn't voice it, but they kept sitting down, and coming over towards me.
I also had a worker tell me I got too close to a painting while I was analyzing it.
I wanted to tell him that he should never tell a painter they're getting too close to the art, be happy we aren't licking it.
You remember Van Gogh?
Of course you don't! You weren't around when he was, however, you've heard of him, right?!
Well, he ate paint, and at the time that paint was filled with actual chemicals: the Cadmiums, Zincs, Chromiums etc. paints are still filled with them now, but not nearly as purely as they were back then.
This is part of what caused him to loose his mind.
Then cut off his ear, and eventually die by being shot in the stomach.
But, the point is,
Talk to any painter, and on some level we understand his desire to eat paint.
Anyway, close to the end we went through the different Gift Shops.
My mom bought me a few postcards I wanted, I picked out a couple for friends as gifts.
My step-dad bought me this awesome book called, "The Artist's Guide: How to make a Living Doing What You Love" by Jackie Battenfield.
Which is great! Because I looked it over before I brought it to them, and it is filled with actual genuinely helpful material.
Ready to see what the Getty looks like?
Yeah you are!
Giacometti-Woman Standing I
Remember that view I referenced above?
Killer right?
Too bad about the smog though...
I stopped by JoAnn Fabrics here in town, and found black and white striped fabric still on the bolt. I talked my mom into buying it for me, i've got 4 3/4 yards of it.
The first thing I said to my mom was, "Do you realize how rare this is?! I've been looking for it for a really long time!"
Which is total honesty.
I'm already cooking up ideas to make a bustle skirt with it and some black fabric i've got lying around.
I was also brainstorming halloween fabric to get an make an entire bed set for my room, and some curtains...
*rubs hands deviously*
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