Green Shoes
Green shoes are another unique color available to women the world over. Green shoes join the ranks of blue, pink and purple varieties when it comes to rarity in the market. For something outside of the common black and white heels, green certainly is an interesting choice. For those that want to tread on the unbeaten path, green shoes add a bit of flair but are nonetheless quite appealing. In the past, matching with this color was a lot more difficult. But with the kind of selection and color that the market offers us today, this task has been made much easier. Ultimately, it is an organic and earthy color that brings memories of lush green forests. Along with blue and brown, green is a representative of Mother Nature and is commonly linked with all things wholesome. It is also the color of happiness and springtime.
But throughout human history it has also been used to represent religion and wealth. Green is the color traditionally linked to Islam while green has also been known to represent wealth (greenback) in some western cultures. Cultural celebrations like St.Patrick's day make good use of the color as well. Despite the fact that green is a very common color wherever you look, it remains somewhat of a niche color when it comes to women's shoes. However, if you're looking for a fresh take on fashion, green shoes are worthy of any woman's wardrobe. The problem with green is matching it correctly with your clothing. Unfortunately, there really isn't a definitive guide on matching green shoes. As such, they are sometimes used with both darker and lighter hues.
But throughout human history it has also been used to represent religion and wealth. Green is the color traditionally linked to Islam while green has also been known to represent wealth (greenback) in some western cultures. Cultural celebrations like St.Patrick's day make good use of the color as well. Despite the fact that green is a very common color wherever you look, it remains somewhat of a niche color when it comes to women's shoes. However, if you're looking for a fresh take on fashion, green shoes are worthy of any woman's wardrobe. The problem with green is matching it correctly with your clothing. Unfortunately, there really isn't a definitive guide on matching green shoes. As such, they are sometimes used with both darker and lighter hues.
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