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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Oh like Winter in July

"A barren river wide
I'll pray for the flood
To wash on you
It's here, i'll be with you"
-"I'll fall with your knife", Peter Murphy

So yesterday I went to Petco to get some rat supplies for my two new girls.
I needed a water dish and a food dish, and I was running out of Yogies.
Anyway, I always stop and look at the animals, there were some really cute Ferrets and Guinea Pigs.
I went over to see the rats because I have too.
And I noticed that one of them was on her side with another sleeping half on her, for comfort.
I kept glancing back at her and noticed the hair at the base of her tail was becoming lighter and appeared to be missing in patches.
So I immediately looked to her nose, and it was stained with red discharge so thickly that I couldn't tell till she breathed out and released a bubble.
I darted over to the nearest employee and told them they had a female rat that needed to be quarantined immediately. So he called the manager and the manager removed her and thanked me for noticing she was sick.
It was really sad for me to watch because as someone with rat knowledge and experience, I know she's going to die and there isn't anything anyone can do about it.
Mycoplasma is a bitch.
It's what took Curi from me within a week.
So in a cheesy way the song is dedicated to that little rat, part of me wanted to bring her home and pet her until she passed away. But there would be too big a risk with my other rats.

On a lighter note, i've finally gotten my new babies!!
They are small and slept most of the way home.
All tuckered out.
It's hard being a little rat.
Right now they are plotting their escape of their temporary cage, (I have to go through a bunch of introductory stuff with them and Melinda before they can go into the big cage).
Calypso might be a rex, I won't know till she gets her adult fur in because she began as a rex and then shedded, and is currently straight haired.
So, we'll see.
Left: Calypso Right: Siouxsie Sioux
Yes, I named one after a nymph and the other after a Goth rock singer.
They are my rats after all.


I'm trying to talk to some of my friends to see if I can make it to Beyond the Grave this weekend in Chicago, or Nocturna next month before school starts, and to Body World!
Maybe I can sleep on one of my friends couches in Chicago for a couple of days and we can hang out and destroy the city.

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