I dyed my hair this morning
The bruise on my chin is from that elbow hit to the face on Saturday, a nice shiner it gave me (two in fact!) and a bruised jawbone.
I'm thinking next spring of dying the hawk teal and the sides purple(nightshade)/(After midnight blue)darker blue kinda like her hair
Maybe it'll be my reward for getting into art school. <3
I drove myself to my grandma's house, with my step dad in the car of course.
The first time i've driven since I was 16, it went well.
At least I didn't die, right?
Hopefully I can get my license by the end of the month.
I took a photo i'm going to use for the bicycle drawing, I ran out of blank 16x20 Strathmore sheets, so i'll get a sketchpad tomorrow.
So I can get started.
I didn't paint like I had hoped, I wasn't fond of the poor lighting in my grandma's house.
I got some of the money to pay off my fine to SAIC, hopefully my grant money comes in so I can polish it off, and start saving for a car.
I've decided that the final RISD requirement of utilizing both sides of the 16x20 is going to be figurative.
I'm going to paint when I get home, i'm working on that mimicking a painting you love-thing.
This is Jenny Saville's Pause

This is what I am attempting to re-create.
This coming week is going to fly by!
I'm staying at Jordan's house on Wednesday, and Nicole's on Thursday.
Hopefully, I can paint with Michelle on Friday or Saturday, so she can help me with oil painting.
Aand if it isn't too hot, i'd like to do some plein air graveyard painting (as I call it), with Roxie.
I'm getting my rats on Sunday!!
These are some boots I won from eBay earlier last week

The first time i've driven since I was 16, it went well.
At least I didn't die, right?
Hopefully I can get my license by the end of the month.
I took a photo i'm going to use for the bicycle drawing, I ran out of blank 16x20 Strathmore sheets, so i'll get a sketchpad tomorrow.
So I can get started.
I didn't paint like I had hoped, I wasn't fond of the poor lighting in my grandma's house.
I got some of the money to pay off my fine to SAIC, hopefully my grant money comes in so I can polish it off, and start saving for a car.
I've decided that the final RISD requirement of utilizing both sides of the 16x20 is going to be figurative.
I'm going to paint when I get home, i'm working on that mimicking a painting you love-thing.
This is Jenny Saville's Pause
This is what I am attempting to re-create.
This coming week is going to fly by!
I'm staying at Jordan's house on Wednesday, and Nicole's on Thursday.
Hopefully, I can paint with Michelle on Friday or Saturday, so she can help me with oil painting.
Aand if it isn't too hot, i'd like to do some plein air graveyard painting (as I call it), with Roxie.
I'm getting my rats on Sunday!!
These are some boots I won from eBay earlier last week
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