Warning: Possible Fan-girling ahead and talk of inspiration.
Anyway, something I wanted to talk about was the fact that they both inspire me in such monumental ways. Truly. They are right up there with Voltaire and Tim Burton.
Now, both Amanda and Neil are incredible.
Neil's concepts are so fresh, even when he uses concepts that have foundations in things that already exist in one form or another(as everything is already done), he presents it in such a different abstract witty way that you are fool not to love his work. His way with words is akin to a spider weaving a web before your eyes, he's so fluid and when you read one of his stories his voice is so unique and it ensnares you right from the start.
Amanda is a beautiful songwriter that goes above and beyond with everything, which really puts her in a special place in my heart. It can seem so daunting as an artist of any caliber to truly give yourself 125% to your work, to go that extra mile, because "what if you fail?" "What if you can't do it?". And I feel that she is constantly in motion dancing fearless circles around those of us who are too afraid to move. She embraces it instead of being afraid and she calls to that primal part of her soul that cries out for art and lets herself become one with it. Instead of trying to control it or let it control her. THAT is what I strive to be, and that is why she is so inspiring to me. I want to be as free as she is to allow myself to be a living breathing work of art.
Needless to say they both inspire me to push myself as an artist (whether painting, taking photographs, planning for my stop motion flick, writing etc.).
So, I wanted also to talk a bit about how i'm feeling/personal goals and what not.
So since by break up with Alec, I have decided to give my all to focusing on me and what I want to do and what makes me happy.
As I should.
It is becoming easier and easier to remember that i'm single now, and I can do whatever I want.
I will admit that this situation alone is freeing.
But, I think you can be in a relationship and still experience your own freedom(depending on what you consider your "freedom" to be.)
However, i'm not looking for relationships right now and probably not for a while.
I need to work on building up my art arsenal and becoming comfortable with myself as an artist, after all these years.
I've also decided to do a few things locally.
One of them is to go to some local music shows, because why the fuck not?!
I would like to go to Nocturna this summer, depending on the date, since I do have school.
I've been looking up other events to try to go to.
Event #1: Neil Gaiman's Book signing Friday, June 24th in Minneapolis,MN
Tickets: $41.78
Odds: Not very likely since it's like a 7.5hr drive. But, i'm trying to talk to some of my friends about going!
*Update: Nicole is figuring out if she can make these plans or not, she does have family that lives up there so we could probably stay there and leave Saturday morning. No hotel fees.
Event#2: Florence and the Machine concert in Indianapolis,IN Monday, July 4th.
Tickets: 25-33$
Odds: 50/50. I need to talk to my step-dad about going to Indy that weekend.
Event #3: Chicago Poetry Slam Saturday, July 30th.
Tickets: 25.00$
Odds: 50/50 depends on Jordan.
Event #4: Tuesday, August 9th, Nekromantix in Boise, ID
Tickets: 12$ Gen Ad
Odds: 50/50. I need to talk to Roxie about this.
Event #5: This is Peoria Fest Saturday, September 10th 2pm-10:30pm
Tickets: Unknown, possibly free.
Odds: Pretty likely at this point, depending on where it is held.
(If I HAVE to choose, i'd rather go to the first two the most!)
I'm already going to the City Museum Friday, June 10th, all day.
June 11th- Practice in the early afternoon and then team bonding at Summit's edge.
June 12th- Pow Wow
June 16th- My birthday, i'll be 20. I'm trying to decide what to do for my birthday. I've got ceramics later that day. But, maybe after I could get my lip pierced or a tattoo (the poe one).
So, i'll call a shop or two around town and find out if there are any openings on my birthday, since it is so soon.
June 18th- PUSH bout. I'm NSO-ing, and the Renaissance Faire is in the morning at 10am.
July 2nd- PUSH bout (i'll be playing!!!) up near Rockford.
July 3rd- Loyalist party @ Bruize's
July 9th- PUSH bout BB vs. Knocks
August 6th- TCDG playoffs
I'd also like to see if I can get ahold of my old history teacher from 11th grade.
She told me that I could email her about getting involved with the summer europe trips while I was in college, and she'd fit me in.
I'd really love to go to Europe next summer.
At some point this summer i'm heading up to Chicago with some fellow pagans to go to some shoppes. I might see if we can go to Body World too.
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