So, today was my first day on the wheel in ceramics since my Senior year of high school, and if I remember correctly it was disastrous then.
Today wasn't much different really.
I actually think I understand how to center clay though, which is HUGE.
You can't make anything successfully if you can't center.
I could pull the clay away really well, but building the walls and compressing it inward was hard.
Oh, and I was bleeding all over the place.
The grog in the clay (these bits of tiny hard rock, almost like sand), kept wearing away the skin on my left hand. So due to friction, my skin was worn away.
See the left hand sits directly on the wheel surface and holds/pushes the clay inward to center. So it gets the brunt of the damage of the grog.
It fucking sucked, no joke.
But, i'm digging my ceramics class a lot.
Earlier in the morning I drew a Coca Cola bottle for Glenda, for her Comm 110 persuasive speech.
Which was productive.
Stimulated my creative juices.
I've started painting inspired by this photograph.
So it is referenced from this photo, but Saville inspired in painting application.
Here is an impressively shitty photo of my two hours of work.
It needs to be lightened and some more color variation.
I've also got some overall relationships to work through.
But, it is inspiring me to possibly do a series of portraits in this style, kinda ghoulish in nature, without being labelled horror.
Aaand to do more with expanding on canvases, I love working with multiple canvases.
I had a piece last semester where I drilled two of them together and put a third smaller one on top of the two.
It creates an interesting compositional element especially depending on what the content is.
I really need to get more lights in my room, so I can use my SLR, and I need to invest in a point and shoot.
Tomorrow morning i'm getting up early to get a head start with the wheel.
Does anybody have a waterproof bandaid??
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