He said that I hyperextended one of the muscles that connects to my ribs when I coughed too hard.
The pop sound I heard was my muscle.
I am not aloud to do any hitting/scrimmaging or any falling for a week, which sucks but at least I got the "ok" to skate still.
I went to practice today 9-11am and helped out Champ with some new hitters, going over basics of engaging and what not.
It was fun.
I then went to get more contacts (for both left and right), my other boxes were out.
I slept for a bit and took a vitamin E pill.
The muscle relaxer made me feel fuzzy, I don't like it.
Then I went with Alec and his family to a Goodwill, and bought 43$ worth of still life material for skill building in painting.
I got a few creepy baby dolls, a stuffed clown, some reflective items, a cool tin can etc.
I also found these nifty witch-like shoes and some shorts to wear to practice.
I also bought Survivor by Chuck Palahnuik for .49 cents.
Yesterday I managed to buy my materials for my roller derby swap partner.
I found some great fabrics, i'm going to have to go back though for a yard of this green fabric I bought.
I only bought enough for one leg.
I bought Alec his Herakut book for Valentines Day and i'm buying him a pair of shoes.
I also bought myself Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro for my Kindle, it was on sale for 5$.
AAand I bough Alec and I tickets to see Ciruqe Du Soeil tickets for our Four year celebration, our anniversary is april 13th, but we are celebrating april 22nd.
Our tickets are:
April 22nd @7:30
Upper Bowl 17C
R0w 11
Seats 5-6
The tickets should come in the mail soon.
If i'm a polka bot
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