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Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Yesterday I went to practice and went ahead and scrimmaged.
I've been having some issues with my tattoo, the artist told me to just wash it twice with soap and water and leave it be.
Well, the problem is that it is winter and it got dried out.
So it was scabbing and cracking, and I was getting upset.
I put Aquaphor on it and put huge band aids over it to keep it from getting scratched from my wrist guards.
It worked, i'm still going to need a touch-up, but it feels and looks SO much better.
So, i've been putting Aquaphor on it a couple of times a day now.

Practice was really great.
I only ate two bowls of oatmeal and a bowl of chips by 3pm, you don't eat after 3 or you'll get sick from the endurance of 6-9.
And I felt energized and great throughout practice.
Usually somewhere around the second hour of endurance if 20 minute sprints with skills(1 minute sprint, 1 minute two knee falls, repeat for 20 minutes changing up the basic skills each time), and push/pulls are involved I feel sick.
But oatmeal was a really good idea before practice apparently because I felt awesome, the whole time.
I got some great hits in, knocked some bitches down (as expected), and had an awesome wipe out.
I was jamming and Pixie Whiplash #38 came up and hit me as I hit her, and we knocked helmets and fell on our asses.
Luckily I was wearing my padded shorts and felt fine, except I jolted my middle finger when my hand hit the floor.
Overall Success as always.
Our Saturday Practices start this weekend, 9-11am.

Ms. Whiplash--v
Pixie Whiplash

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