I got to school and ate a low fat pumpkin muffin and a hot coca, both from the cafe.
We had our drawing critique in my color and design room until 9am, then we migrated to the regular drawing room.I was the first person in the regular drawing room to present my pieces.

My drawing went over well.
Gene [the old guy] and fred loved it.
Which made me feel really good and slightly inspired.
So I went to the ICC library and got three books.
I went to art history II, even though I seriously thought about skipping.
I wrote my SRQ response for zoology in that class.
Alec didn't go to school, he was really sick.
We ate at the pita place.
A ballerina with a giant ox/bull skull on her head with horns or broken horns.
We went to Hobby Lobby and I bought 70.56$ worth of stuff.
I got black pen and ink pens, gray ones, and three wood canvases .
Two for 8x8 really soon.
I'm going to use the big canvas for the upcoming What's Next? Show at Bradley.
Due date is October 30th.
I went to RAVE and got three days this week:
Saturday- 1-6pm Floor
Sunday- 5-11 Other
Thursday- 4-8 Box Office
I filled out an application at Yankee Candle and spent 50 something at Gordmans.
I got a long sleeved tartan shirt with plaid similar to this
Underwear and a hoodie shirt that is gray and almost acid looking.
We had some hot chocolate from Borders.
Now i'm sitting here and thinking about getting a charcoal and a deep purple cardigan.
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