So Alec and I [he slept over] were incredibly pissed and my mom knew it.
We got there and they were waiting for us, we were like twenty minutes late.
It sucked.
On the drive to Chicago we took lots of photos of everyone and I finished 'Pretties'.
I started Specials and decided to stop till later, I am kind of mad that Zane dies.
We ended up in Chicago around 9am, and parked in the Millenium parking deck.
I went to the restroom to put on my make up and the restroom had no soap.
But, I didn't use the restroom so the other MAP girls had some problems with the lack of soap.
We walked to SAIC and waited outside for around thirty minutes for it to open/our tour was at 10am.
We got scanned and stuff for our visitor passes and I really geeked out while I was there, I have wanted to go to that school for so long.
I took various pictures and want to go there even more now.
We visited two SAIC campuses and found out Oxford in Wisconsin [I think...] is affiliated with SAIC!
We went to lunch in Millenium park and took our MAP photo by the Bean.
We ate our food from a vendor, I had two hot dogs, sea salt and vinegar chips and a fanta.
I was really hungry.
We met up by the bean fifteen minutes later to head over to Columbia.
I liked the color coding of Columbia, it was really nice.
They are a good school for design related fields from what I understand, they don't have much concentration/ as good facilities for fine arts.
But I still liked them.
After Columbia we went to the Art Institute, which was AWESOME.
My favorite pieces were probably Conrad Felixmuller "The death of the Poet", Pablo Picasso "The Old Guitarist" and Ivan Albright "Into the world there came a soul called Ida".
"The death of the Poet"
"The Old Guitarist"
"Into the world there came a soul called Ida".
After that we went to the gift shop and I bought a small print of 'The old Guitarist' and a Dali piece.
We ate supper at Cozi's which was really good.
Then we got a ride on the city buses and went to the Museum of Contemporary Art.
I liked their displays, and how interactive they were.
But, I think I like the Art Institute more just because it had so much work.
I liked their gift shop, except they didn't have any cool shirts and most of the stuff was outrageously priced.
I'm going to buy some books next time I go though and Art 21.
After that we got on a bus back to Millenium park and loaded into our van.
I dozed off randomly and we stopped at McDonalds briefly for refreshments and then we got back in town a little after 12am.
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