I played Brain Age on the car ride to MAP.
We watched four videos of art 21.
We saw:
Cai Guo-Qiang-Gun powder/Sculptor
Tim Hawkinson- Music and Installation
Richard Serra-Installation
Josiah McElheny -Glass Blower
Yep yep.
Then we broke for lunch and we got Korean food from a vendor.
We came back and went to the Murray building for artist studio visits.
We visited Ken Hoffman, Ann Coultrin, Ken Tiessen, and Jacob [Last name here].
When we got back around 3pm we broke off early.
I got out my pitcher and my rabbit head.
I tried to attach the head and one ear came off.
So, I re-attached the ear and then made another bunny head, without features.
I think i'll add the features when i'm done with the head, and keep them wet to add the ears.
I think I might be able to do the mid section appropriately, as I drew it in the drawing.
I'm going to buy clay from Erin on Monday and Ken Tiessen told us if we modeled for portraits we'd get paid 25$ each time.
Which is rather nice to consider.
I've been thinking about my Modular Progression, and Erin said we can only put our "MAP" pieces in the show.
We stayed until 6:30pm and broke off to get more food, we ate at Rolly Polly, a sandwich place.
They had good food.
I'm seeing Transformers 2 with Alec tonight.
Then, tomorrow we leave for the camping trip till early Sunday.
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