I went to Alec's house early, 6:30am.
I slept until 1pm and we decided not to go to the Art guild to work.
We went to Quizno's and we went to my house and hung out for a bit.
Around 6pm we went to go help Randi, Gabi didn't show up.
Teresa and Jana did though.
Both left before us.
We had McDonalds, which was awful.
We talked to Randi for a while and then left around 11pm.
Just got home and am going to bed.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Tempest in the Sun Man - Beaubourg - Paris
MAP day Twenty seven
Glazed my clay piece maquette with Jerry.
Had Quiznos for lunch.Dropped Alec off at home and went to Quizno's again.
Gave Kelly O' one of our postcards and then went to help Randi.Gabi came and left fairly early, I talked to Randi about SAIC, art therapy classes and such.
Left around 11:30pm.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
MAP day Twenty six
We did more with our murals today.
I kept asking Randi at the front desk what she suggested for my colors and such.
That's all we did today.
Mine actually looks really cool.

I hung out with Alec and we saw 'The Ugly Truth'.
It was actually really good.
I kept asking Randi at the front desk what she suggested for my colors and such.
That's all we did today.
Mine actually looks really cool.
I hung out with Alec and we saw 'The Ugly Truth'.
It was actually really good.
Arggghhh !
I was trying new templates for Easy Fashion and I lost all my links !
Please send me a link to recover my blogroll ... Gasp ... I'm gonna fix that.
Thanks !
Please send me a link to recover my blogroll ... Gasp ... I'm gonna fix that.
Thanks !
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
MAP day Twenty five-Mural day two
At MAP we started on our mural, we drew our silhouettes and then came up with ideas for tomorrow.
It was a really relaxed day because we didn't have to show up till 1pm-4pm.
Afterwards, Alec and I went to go help Randi with her mural.
Gabi showed up, again.
And we had to deconstruct her mural and then reconstruct it in the gym.
There was all sorts of trouble with it though, because nobody was listening to Randi, the pageant girls were of no help and the wrestling team brought out huge weights and started building them right next to us.
It was ridiculous.
They helped us move it into the auditorium space it was supposed to be in and they almost damaged it because it was the whole team and four coaches.
Randi was pissed because they told here there was more room for us to paint, but there isn't.
We had to accomodate the wrestling team and therefore we had to leave early because there was nothing for us to do.
We waited for like an hour for my parents and then we dropped Alec off and I came back home.
It was a really relaxed day because we didn't have to show up till 1pm-4pm.
Afterwards, Alec and I went to go help Randi with her mural.
Gabi showed up, again.
And we had to deconstruct her mural and then reconstruct it in the gym.
There was all sorts of trouble with it though, because nobody was listening to Randi, the pageant girls were of no help and the wrestling team brought out huge weights and started building them right next to us.
It was ridiculous.
They helped us move it into the auditorium space it was supposed to be in and they almost damaged it because it was the whole team and four coaches.
Randi was pissed because they told here there was more room for us to paint, but there isn't.
We had to accomodate the wrestling team and therefore we had to leave early because there was nothing for us to do.
We waited for like an hour for my parents and then we dropped Alec off and I came back home.
Stewart - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris
I work as a Window Dresser.
I wear a top by ZARA.
Shorts by H&M.
Scarfs mostly from H&M.
Cap (H.M.S. Neptune) from E-Bay.
Shoes by ZARA.
Bracelets from TOPSHOP.
Watch by Ted BAKKER.
Sunnies from BERSHKA
Perfume: Thierry MUGLER.
Fashion is a lot about expressing how you feel. It speaks about who you are.
The people get an impression of you, before they meet you.
My look is nautical inspiration. It's quite fuzzy over the top. Some would say dramatic.
It's not easy to wear. A lot people stare at me. I don't know if it's a nice stare or not ...
I love any creativ form of art. I draw and paint a lot, I like people who express themselves.
I find very difficult to deal with people who are not openminded, people who judge a lot.
My message to the world: People could be more tolerant.
People should be more free to be what they want to be.
No matter, judgments are made of them ...
Amélie - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris
I work as a Stylist in Hip-Hop- Street Wear Fashion.
I wear a T-Shirt by HYPE MEANS NOTHING.
Pants by H&M.
Belt vintage 80's from my mother.
Shoes by NEW-LOOK.
Watch by LEGO.
I sleep, I think, I live Fashion.
My look is a mix of Hip-Hop-80's.
I love Cheese Cake. I hate night clubs.
My message to the world: Stay cool & Smile !
Alex & Cyrielle - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris
I work as Marketing Assistant in Fashion brands
I wear a T-Shirt by H&M.
Shorts by ZARA.
I found my shoes in Le Marais.
Perfume: "Chance" by CHANEL.
Fashion is a game. My look is Sport-Cool
I love food (I eat yogurts in the night).
I hate lies.
My message to the world: Give work to those who are looking for a job.

I work as a Model and Actor.
I wear a T-Shirt by AA.
Bracelets from Morocco.
Belt by YUUBI.
Perfume: Armanimania.
I am in Fashion. My look is Urban-Simple.
I love married women. I don't like boring girls.
My message to the world: Keep the best, fuck the rest.
I work as Marketing Assistant in Fashion brands
I wear a T-Shirt by H&M.
Shorts by ZARA.
I found my shoes in Le Marais.
Perfume: "Chance" by CHANEL.
Fashion is a game. My look is Sport-Cool
I love food (I eat yogurts in the night).
I hate lies.
My message to the world: Give work to those who are looking for a job.
I work as a Model and Actor.
I wear a T-Shirt by AA.
Bracelets from Morocco.
Belt by YUUBI.
Perfume: Armanimania.
I am in Fashion. My look is Urban-Simple.
I love married women. I don't like boring girls.
My message to the world: Keep the best, fuck the rest.
Monday, July 27, 2009
MAP day Twenty four-Chicago Trip!
We woke up late because my mom slept in.
So Alec and I [he slept over] were incredibly pissed and my mom knew it.
We got there and they were waiting for us, we were like twenty minutes late.
It sucked.
On the drive to Chicago we took lots of photos of everyone and I finished 'Pretties'.
I started Specials and decided to stop till later, I am kind of mad that Zane dies.
We ended up in Chicago around 9am, and parked in the Millenium parking deck.
I went to the restroom to put on my make up and the restroom had no soap.
But, I didn't use the restroom so the other MAP girls had some problems with the lack of soap.
We walked to SAIC and waited outside for around thirty minutes for it to open/our tour was at 10am.
We got scanned and stuff for our visitor passes and I really geeked out while I was there, I have wanted to go to that school for so long.
I took various pictures and want to go there even more now.
We visited two SAIC campuses and found out Oxford in Wisconsin [I think...] is affiliated with SAIC!
We went to lunch in Millenium park and took our MAP photo by the Bean.
We ate our food from a vendor, I had two hot dogs, sea salt and vinegar chips and a fanta.
I was really hungry.
We met up by the bean fifteen minutes later to head over to Columbia.
I liked the color coding of Columbia, it was really nice.
They are a good school for design related fields from what I understand, they don't have much concentration/ as good facilities for fine arts.
But I still liked them.
After Columbia we went to the Art Institute, which was AWESOME.
My favorite pieces were probably Conrad Felixmuller "The death of the Poet", Pablo Picasso "The Old Guitarist" and Ivan Albright "Into the world there came a soul called Ida".

"The death of the Poet"

"The Old Guitarist"

"Into the world there came a soul called Ida".
After that we went to the gift shop and I bought a small print of 'The old Guitarist' and a Dali piece.
We ate supper at Cozi's which was really good.
Then we got a ride on the city buses and went to the Museum of Contemporary Art.
I liked their displays, and how interactive they were.
But, I think I like the Art Institute more just because it had so much work.
I liked their gift shop, except they didn't have any cool shirts and most of the stuff was outrageously priced.
I'm going to buy some books next time I go though and Art 21.
After that we got on a bus back to Millenium park and loaded into our van.
I dozed off randomly and we stopped at McDonalds briefly for refreshments and then we got back in town a little after 12am.
So Alec and I [he slept over] were incredibly pissed and my mom knew it.
We got there and they were waiting for us, we were like twenty minutes late.
It sucked.
On the drive to Chicago we took lots of photos of everyone and I finished 'Pretties'.
I started Specials and decided to stop till later, I am kind of mad that Zane dies.
We ended up in Chicago around 9am, and parked in the Millenium parking deck.
I went to the restroom to put on my make up and the restroom had no soap.
But, I didn't use the restroom so the other MAP girls had some problems with the lack of soap.
We walked to SAIC and waited outside for around thirty minutes for it to open/our tour was at 10am.
We got scanned and stuff for our visitor passes and I really geeked out while I was there, I have wanted to go to that school for so long.
I took various pictures and want to go there even more now.
We visited two SAIC campuses and found out Oxford in Wisconsin [I think...] is affiliated with SAIC!
We went to lunch in Millenium park and took our MAP photo by the Bean.
We ate our food from a vendor, I had two hot dogs, sea salt and vinegar chips and a fanta.
I was really hungry.
We met up by the bean fifteen minutes later to head over to Columbia.
I liked the color coding of Columbia, it was really nice.
They are a good school for design related fields from what I understand, they don't have much concentration/ as good facilities for fine arts.
But I still liked them.
After Columbia we went to the Art Institute, which was AWESOME.
My favorite pieces were probably Conrad Felixmuller "The death of the Poet", Pablo Picasso "The Old Guitarist" and Ivan Albright "Into the world there came a soul called Ida".
"The death of the Poet"
"The Old Guitarist"
"Into the world there came a soul called Ida".
After that we went to the gift shop and I bought a small print of 'The old Guitarist' and a Dali piece.
We ate supper at Cozi's which was really good.
Then we got a ride on the city buses and went to the Museum of Contemporary Art.
I liked their displays, and how interactive they were.
But, I think I like the Art Institute more just because it had so much work.
I liked their gift shop, except they didn't have any cool shirts and most of the stuff was outrageously priced.
I'm going to buy some books next time I go though and Art 21.
After that we got on a bus back to Millenium park and loaded into our van.
I dozed off randomly and we stopped at McDonalds briefly for refreshments and then we got back in town a little after 12am.
MAP day Twenty three
We watched a documentary on Ray Johnson which lasted for an hour and a half.
Which I found kind of interesting, his rabbit heads and collaging, and the fact that he was good friends with Warhol and Liechtenstein.
We broke for lunch and got Jimmy Johns.
William came and talked to us about our artist statements and then we had to brainstorm about them and talk to him individually and he gave feedback.
He told me i'd like Pop Surrealism.
I'll look that up here soon.
Then he talked to us briefly about pricing and titles.
I don't have prices or titles for any of my stuff.
My statement thus far:
When I first begin a work of art it comes to me as a vague idea or dream. Upon recieving this information I write down words to describe or reflect the idea or a fragmented description of the dream. After I have written all I can, I create a piece of visual art reflecting the idea or dream which might have evolved tremendousl since the subconscious creation.
Within my art I demonsrate a strong dualistic and surreal quality in my work. I take viewers to situations or places they may not want to feel or experience, I blend beauty and innocence with grotesque or impure imagry. A good example of this is my ceramic pitcher currently on display, the form was created with a heavy George Ohr influence. I molded the rabbit heads to place around the base and spout of the piece and glazed them to look eerie or frightenning up close.
Which I found kind of interesting, his rabbit heads and collaging, and the fact that he was good friends with Warhol and Liechtenstein.
We broke for lunch and got Jimmy Johns.
William came and talked to us about our artist statements and then we had to brainstorm about them and talk to him individually and he gave feedback.
He told me i'd like Pop Surrealism.
I'll look that up here soon.
Then he talked to us briefly about pricing and titles.
I don't have prices or titles for any of my stuff.
My statement thus far:
When I first begin a work of art it comes to me as a vague idea or dream. Upon recieving this information I write down words to describe or reflect the idea or a fragmented description of the dream. After I have written all I can, I create a piece of visual art reflecting the idea or dream which might have evolved tremendousl since the subconscious creation.
Within my art I demonsrate a strong dualistic and surreal quality in my work. I take viewers to situations or places they may not want to feel or experience, I blend beauty and innocence with grotesque or impure imagry. A good example of this is my ceramic pitcher currently on display, the form was created with a heavy George Ohr influence. I molded the rabbit heads to place around the base and spout of the piece and glazed them to look eerie or frightenning up close.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Mural day One-July 25th
I went to Alec's house early, around 6am.
We hung out for a bit and then went to the art guild to check on our pieces, I still have photography stuff to finish.
Then we hung out some more and around 5pm I left his house, went to Quizno's and then followed MapQuest directions to Farmington.
We found it alright, MapQuest sent us to the old school though, so we had to turn around and back track.
We ended up at this huge school that was built in like '04.
It's really nice looking on the inside.
Randi greeted me and took me on a small tour, showing the auditorium, the cafeteria etc.
They even have an ATM in their school.
I was the only one there for about an hour and then Gabi showed up.
I don't like her.
Anyhow, I didn't really talk while she was there and then I ranted to Randi about Gabi.
I met her boyfriend, Ben.
And they bought us pizza.
Very successful.
Everything that is on the canvas was done today.

Ben and Randi working on the letters.

The unstable ladder I was on while painting and making chalk outlines of the bricks.

I helped them clean up and then I left at 12am.
Talked to Alec and then went to bed.
Today was awesome, minus Gabi.
We hung out for a bit and then went to the art guild to check on our pieces, I still have photography stuff to finish.
Then we hung out some more and around 5pm I left his house, went to Quizno's and then followed MapQuest directions to Farmington.
We found it alright, MapQuest sent us to the old school though, so we had to turn around and back track.
We ended up at this huge school that was built in like '04.
It's really nice looking on the inside.
Randi greeted me and took me on a small tour, showing the auditorium, the cafeteria etc.
They even have an ATM in their school.
I was the only one there for about an hour and then Gabi showed up.
I don't like her.
Anyhow, I didn't really talk while she was there and then I ranted to Randi about Gabi.
I met her boyfriend, Ben.
And they bought us pizza.
Very successful.
Everything that is on the canvas was done today.
Ben and Randi working on the letters.
The unstable ladder I was on while painting and making chalk outlines of the bricks.
I helped them clean up and then I left at 12am.
Talked to Alec and then went to bed.
Today was awesome, minus Gabi.
Friday, July 24, 2009
I haven't made a post like this in ages.
Here are some clothing items i'd really like to get in the future.



Open Studio Day!
I went to Alec's house early, 6:30am.
We woke up around 10am and got ready to go to PAG.
We stopped by CVS and made copies of Alec's photos, there was a nice lady in line behind us who might come to our show.
She asked us if we were artists after seeing the photos.
We went to Roly Poly to get food and then went to PAG, right when we got there I went with Aaron to Lowes to get dowl rods.
I spent a while cutting mine to size so I could make squares on the back of my wood, that the photo will be adhesed too, so they can hang slightly projected from the wall.
I wasn't able to spray all the photos to the boards because there is a slight change in my display.
I need to make another 8x10 of my self portrait and adhere it to two pieces instead of just one.
Alec and I then went upstairs to the PAG store and talked to Randi about tomorrow.
She's going to need me around 5pm to help her sketch the design and start painting.
We have a week and a half to finish it, starting tonight [she started priming the board after work].
Then, we went to Alec's house and hung out for a bit.
Then I came home and read more of 'Pretties'.
Tomorrow, i'm leaving again at 6:30am, going to Alec's house, then the art guild to potentially finish my project, then back to Alec's house for hang out/fun time and Modular Progression work.
Then, I have to leave for the mural and won't be home till late.
Wow, that's a lot.
We woke up around 10am and got ready to go to PAG.
We stopped by CVS and made copies of Alec's photos, there was a nice lady in line behind us who might come to our show.
She asked us if we were artists after seeing the photos.
We went to Roly Poly to get food and then went to PAG, right when we got there I went with Aaron to Lowes to get dowl rods.
I spent a while cutting mine to size so I could make squares on the back of my wood, that the photo will be adhesed too, so they can hang slightly projected from the wall.
I wasn't able to spray all the photos to the boards because there is a slight change in my display.
I need to make another 8x10 of my self portrait and adhere it to two pieces instead of just one.
Alec and I then went upstairs to the PAG store and talked to Randi about tomorrow.
She's going to need me around 5pm to help her sketch the design and start painting.
We have a week and a half to finish it, starting tonight [she started priming the board after work].
Then, we went to Alec's house and hung out for a bit.
Then I came home and read more of 'Pretties'.
Tomorrow, i'm leaving again at 6:30am, going to Alec's house, then the art guild to potentially finish my project, then back to Alec's house for hang out/fun time and Modular Progression work.
Then, I have to leave for the mural and won't be home till late.
Wow, that's a lot.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Screenprinting ideas

Tweak this one quite a bit.
With this one and the one above it, I imagine it tweaked as a Day of the Dead female.
MAP day Twenty two
I woke up at 8am.
We got there around 9am and the doors weren't open downstairs so we sat on the couches.
We painted our plaster the color we were "assigned" on the color wheel, i'm yellow green.

I like the way mine turned out, i'm just slightly worried how it will look together with all of our other pieces in the upstairs gallery with our show.
I just feel more stressed out because we have so much to do and our show is
August 14th.
It makes me nervous that it won't turn out well done, but kind of shoddy instead.
My clay piece is being fired and I glaze it late next week.
I just got a letter in the mail saying I have to pay 400.20$ this by this coming Tuesday to ICC for tuition, but i'm confused because they told me I wouldn't have to pay until October.
So, yeah.
I'm rather stressed.
I took a nap earlier.
Tomorrow is an open studio.
Alec works tomorrow night and I need to write down my schedule this weekend.
I'm supposed to start helping Randi this Saturday and i'm worried about how time consuming it could be.
*rips hair out*
I'm thinking of doing a clown for one of my screenprints, in an old European style except kind of modern American. I want the clown to have the sad clown "drunk" look of a lot of 19th century clowns.

With font similar to this but bolded in the background.
My other two-four prints, i'd like to do three on canvases and then two on paper and matte/frame them.
I am not sure what I want me other designs to be though.
We got there around 9am and the doors weren't open downstairs so we sat on the couches.
We painted our plaster the color we were "assigned" on the color wheel, i'm yellow green.
I like the way mine turned out, i'm just slightly worried how it will look together with all of our other pieces in the upstairs gallery with our show.
I just feel more stressed out because we have so much to do and our show is
August 14th.
It makes me nervous that it won't turn out well done, but kind of shoddy instead.
My clay piece is being fired and I glaze it late next week.
I just got a letter in the mail saying I have to pay 400.20$ this by this coming Tuesday to ICC for tuition, but i'm confused because they told me I wouldn't have to pay until October.
So, yeah.
I'm rather stressed.
I took a nap earlier.
Tomorrow is an open studio.
Alec works tomorrow night and I need to write down my schedule this weekend.
I'm supposed to start helping Randi this Saturday and i'm worried about how time consuming it could be.
*rips hair out*
I'm thinking of doing a clown for one of my screenprints, in an old European style except kind of modern American. I want the clown to have the sad clown "drunk" look of a lot of 19th century clowns.
With font similar to this but bolded in the background.
My other two-four prints, i'd like to do three on canvases and then two on paper and matte/frame them.
I am not sure what I want me other designs to be though.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Clova - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris
I work for SCANLAN&THEODORE Australian Fashion brand.
I wear a dress by JOSH GOOT.
Shoes by MINCO.
Accessories collected from my travels.
Sunnies by RAYBAN.
Fashion is creativ. It's how people can differentiate from each others ...
my look is how I go to work.
I love summer and traveling and difficulties ...
I don't like unhappy people for no reason.
My message to the world: don't litter ...
Ziva - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris
I work as a Publicist.
I wear a JACK&JACK maxidress.
Sandals by MALINI.
Bag from a market in Sydney.
a few jewels from my Mum.
Perfume: "Cool Water" by DAVIDOFF
Fashion is an expression of who you are.
My look is casual cool.
I love creativ people. I hate impatience.
My message: Travel theworld and you will become a better person ...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
MAP day Twenty One
I went to Alec's house early in the morning.
I made two relief sculptures.
I don't completely like mine, I wish I could've done something cooler.

But, they aren't too bad.
We went to Erin's house after MAP.
Alec and I got a ride with Aaron there and back.
I made my blocks of wood for my photo displays.
I have to paint them black tomorrow and give Erin 5$ for the Chicago trip Tuesday, and 2$ to Aaron to get me a wooden rod for the back of my wood pieces.
Alec came over.
We had Arby's.
I made two relief sculptures.
I don't completely like mine, I wish I could've done something cooler.
But, they aren't too bad.
We went to Erin's house after MAP.
Alec and I got a ride with Aaron there and back.
I made my blocks of wood for my photo displays.
I have to paint them black tomorrow and give Erin 5$ for the Chicago trip Tuesday, and 2$ to Aaron to get me a wooden rod for the back of my wood pieces.
Alec came over.
We had Arby's.
MAP day Twenty
First day of sculpture.
We made press molds as practice with plaster.
We went to the gallery to decide which piece we liked best and went to CAC and looked around.
We ate lunch from Roly Poly.
Then we constructed boxes to the size we need for our relief sculpture molds.
I'm trying to accomplish three.
Randi came down to talk to us about studying under her for two weeks and helping her finish a mural and I instantly said I wanted to do it.
We stayed after till 8:30pm and talked to Jacob, he gave us some more insight on glazing our pieces.
I realized today that my visual art is generally telling a story, and that I am more attracted to the work of artists in which it looks like it has something to tell.
Alec and I ate at Buffalo Wild Wings and watched Harry Potter 6.
I work at 12-5 on Sunday and something on Monday.
I hope it doesn't interfere with the mural with Randi.
We made press molds as practice with plaster.
We went to the gallery to decide which piece we liked best and went to CAC and looked around.
We ate lunch from Roly Poly.
Then we constructed boxes to the size we need for our relief sculpture molds.
I'm trying to accomplish three.
Randi came down to talk to us about studying under her for two weeks and helping her finish a mural and I instantly said I wanted to do it.
We stayed after till 8:30pm and talked to Jacob, he gave us some more insight on glazing our pieces.
I realized today that my visual art is generally telling a story, and that I am more attracted to the work of artists in which it looks like it has something to tell.
Alec and I ate at Buffalo Wild Wings and watched Harry Potter 6.
I work at 12-5 on Sunday and something on Monday.
I hope it doesn't interfere with the mural with Randi.
Monday, July 20, 2009
MAP day Nineteen
I woke up at Alec's house and got ready for MAP because I was dropped off around 6:30am.
We had our photo critique in the morning I went second to last.
I wore a new pair of pants I bought the other day, I also bought a dark black and gray leopard print shirt, splatter paint/bleach looking black and gray shirt, purple and lace zebra print tanktop and these cargo capri black pants.
Everyone loved the photo of my boots, which made me happy, Erin said it looked angsty and told me to look up two artists I don't remember.
I found my sketchbook, Damon found it and threw it at me, Dick.
We went to get Jimmy Johns and then we met Jennifer Conan, a 3D teacher at ICC and a maker of really amazing looking furniture.
We saw Ken Hoffman's wife's studio, who is a photographer.
We got Ice cream from Emac and Bouler, two scoups, it was on the PAG but had to be less than
4$ a person.
We went to a gallery in the heights afterward and saw a lot of REALLY awesome local work of 2D and 3D media.
There is a woman who makes amazing puppets.
I'd love to make puppets.
We left and went back to the Guild and I tried to matte my photos but I couldn't cut it right, I made the wood pieces for my modular progression.
We stayed until 6pm and hung out.
We were going to watch City of Lost Children, but we didn't have enough time.
I really like that movie.
We had our photo critique in the morning I went second to last.
I wore a new pair of pants I bought the other day, I also bought a dark black and gray leopard print shirt, splatter paint/bleach looking black and gray shirt, purple and lace zebra print tanktop and these cargo capri black pants.
Everyone loved the photo of my boots, which made me happy, Erin said it looked angsty and told me to look up two artists I don't remember.
I found my sketchbook, Damon found it and threw it at me, Dick.
We went to get Jimmy Johns and then we met Jennifer Conan, a 3D teacher at ICC and a maker of really amazing looking furniture.
We saw Ken Hoffman's wife's studio, who is a photographer.
We got Ice cream from Emac and Bouler, two scoups, it was on the PAG but had to be less than
4$ a person.
We went to a gallery in the heights afterward and saw a lot of REALLY awesome local work of 2D and 3D media.
There is a woman who makes amazing puppets.
I'd love to make puppets.
We left and went back to the Guild and I tried to matte my photos but I couldn't cut it right, I made the wood pieces for my modular progression.
We stayed until 6pm and hung out.
We were going to watch City of Lost Children, but we didn't have enough time.
I really like that movie.
Christopher - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris
I work as Interior Decorator Architect.
I wear an AA jacket. Jordan 1 NIKE.
Jeans slim by APRIL 77.
Fixie kit assembled. I got 3 different fixies.
I choose the one wich matchs with my outfit color of the day.
Fashion is about identity and membership of social groups.
My look is streetwear.
I love to do shopping. I hate Spinash ...
My message to the world: Peace ...
Daphnée - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris
I am a student in Litterature.
I wear a bag and skirt by ISABELLE MARRANT.
Shoes by SANDRO. A tee-shirt by AMERICAN VINTAGE.
Another Tee-Shirt from Monoprix store.
Perfume: "Cerisier en Fleur" by FRAGONARD.
Fashion should not be a sacrifice. My look is half-season as the weather ...
I love pastries. I hate orange color.
My message to the world: make children and be happy !
Franck & Marine - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris
Marine is working as a Babysitter.
Outfit from Flea market.
Jeans Bublegum fom US.
Tea-Shirt custom.
Purse from London.
Sunglasses from Father.
Fashion is feminist. My look is Riot-Girl.
I love music. I hate sexist & machist people.
My message to the world: Human Beings are not objects !
Franck is looking for a job.
I wear clothes from Red Cross and gift from friends.
My look is grunge.
I love My girl-friend. I hate governement.
My message to the world: Show solidarity or get lost.
Ise - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris
I work as Fashion consultant for a Thai Company.
I wear pants par Thai designer from brand HEADQUARTER.
Jacket vintage by HARLEY DAVIDSON.
Hat from Flea-Market of Clignancourt.
Perfume: Orange verte by HERMES.
For me Fashion is Street-wear inspiration from 60's and 70's R&R from London.
Today my look is rather 80's.
I love peace and music and I don't hate anything actually ...
My message to the world: Peace for all ...
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Marie-Lou - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Open Studio day!
Alec and I went to PAG around 12pm, which turned out to be lunch time.
I spent all my time in the dark room.
I made many prints of my boots, I really want to use them but i'm worried they aren't good enough.
Alec and I left early, and Damon freaked out.
He's been acting like a super douche lately.
Alec and I hung out at his house after MAP and watched Mirror Mask until just now.
I had to come home before it ended, I really wanted to see the end though.
I SUPER love what i've seen so far though, GREAT movie!
But, that's to be expected with Neil Gaimen and Dave Mckean

Helena, a 15-year-old girl in a family of circus entertainers, often wishes she could run off and join real life. After a fight with her parents about her future plans, her mother falls quite ill and Helena is convinced that it is all her fault. On the eve of her mother's major surgery, she dreams that she is in a strange world with two opposing queens, bizarre creatures, and masked inhabitants. All is not well in this new world - the white queen has fallen ill and can only be restored by the MirrorMask, and it's up to Helena to find it. But as her adventures continue, she begins to wonder whether she's in a dream, or something far more sinister.
I spent all my time in the dark room.
I made many prints of my boots, I really want to use them but i'm worried they aren't good enough.
Alec and I left early, and Damon freaked out.
He's been acting like a super douche lately.
Alec and I hung out at his house after MAP and watched Mirror Mask until just now.
I had to come home before it ended, I really wanted to see the end though.
I SUPER love what i've seen so far though, GREAT movie!
But, that's to be expected with Neil Gaimen and Dave Mckean
Helena, a 15-year-old girl in a family of circus entertainers, often wishes she could run off and join real life. After a fight with her parents about her future plans, her mother falls quite ill and Helena is convinced that it is all her fault. On the eve of her mother's major surgery, she dreams that she is in a strange world with two opposing queens, bizarre creatures, and masked inhabitants. All is not well in this new world - the white queen has fallen ill and can only be restored by the MirrorMask, and it's up to Helena to find it. But as her adventures continue, she begins to wonder whether she's in a dream, or something far more sinister.
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