First hour, I turned in my waiver for finals.
Second hour, I fell asleep for part of the period.
Third hour, I did all the testing. I got 48 sit ups, 43 on the flexibility and 39 on the strength test. All A's. Tomorrow is the 12 minute run.
Lunch, we just ate with Mr. Goessman like usual.
Fourth hour, I glazed my pot so it will be done for the art show. I'm not sure if it will turn out well or not...
Fifth hour, we had a surprise History of Illinois quiz. VERY uncool.
Sixth hour, we had a quiz that everyone is sure they failed. But, I got 30/30 on the notebook and we have our last lab grade tomorrow.
Alec came over after school today and we had McDonalds. Then we went to Walmart and I got my watch it actually WORKS!
He got two links taken out of his watch.
Then I have to get six black poster boards tonight from CVS, for my senior art show background.
I'm going to paint, in gray, poems that i've written and "tack" it up on the black boards, so it becomes the background for my art. Then, i'm going to altar my jacket [a different one than the one you guys are familiar with], stud it and add fishnets. Then bring my dress form and put it on it for my display. Get some cardboard boxes and spray paint them [black,white or silver] and splatter paint them. Use them for my ceramic pieces.
I've got a couple things to add to my list of things I dislike:
*Toilets without handles. AKA auto-flushers. Why? Half the time they don't work!
*When you kill a bug but it dosen't die instantly. Why? I really don't like the idea of putting an animal or insect in pain, killing it instantly is different but if it's squished and it's legs are still moving I feel AWFUL.
I wore my new shirt today.
I had two cool ideas for future projects. One, is a charcoal zombie, the second is a black and white close up of my face [black hair, white skeleton outlining on my face and black around it, white background] and black writing in the background of my own story or poem. Another idea was a pen and ink/marker zombie with his head 'unhinged' and a broken light bulb above his exposed brain. Out of his mind comes these swirls of color. He pulls out a worm from his brain and the background would be filled with pop art style organs. Like a heart with a spiky circle around it that says 'Beat, Beat, Beat' in black letters on all sides.
I read this Article about a 2 year old boy who was killed by a child roller coaster. I told a friend of mine that I don't think you should allow kids under 6-7 to go to really large fairs and carnivals, because little kids are notorious for getting into trouble, and finding ways to elude you.
I feel bad for the mother and the man driving the kiddie roller coaster.
I found a few shirts from that I really want.
Take a look.
$18 [I REALLY want this! Even though it's Gold, i'd wear it!]
That's all for now.
Except here is a copy of this senior sheet I got from the front office today.
I also got an invitation to Shelby's graduation party.
That's about it...
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