Anyway, I talked to Brianna [strange I know], I realized that from a non 'she-copied-me-and-therefore-is-lame' perspective she dosen't seem to do anything out of the ordinary.
She said she dosen't have much of a passion for anything and she's not really creative in terms of art or writing [she likes technical writing].
I just thought it strange that compared to me she seems almost..bland. Not in a bad way but much more simple than I am. I am an overly complicated enigma who wants to accomplish more in her life than is seemingly possible, and sometimes I even think i'm confusing so you know everyone around me is like "WTF is wrong with her?!". But, I guess that's part of being genuinely eccentric you make no sense at the same time as you make perfect sense, to truly be an enigma.
So, they didn't give out calls from MAP today because I guess they are still judging. Which makes me a little nervous. I get the feeling that if I do get in, my essay is what pushed me over in their minds to accept me as a candidate.
I talked to an SAIC admissions adviser and found out when I send them my application for admissions [a few years from now] that I can choose to get a BFA and study both studio and creative writing or a BFAW which is a basically the same only more of a writing concentration but i'd still get like 39hours of studio work. But, with the BFA it's 74 hours of studio work, so i'm not sure yet and I still have time. It all depends on the circumstances when the decision making time comes.
I tried to throw on the wheel today, my second time, ever. I made a realistic penis by accident.
I was trying to make a vase and it turned into a scultped penis.
I took home some of my paintings in class.
I'm going to try to throw on Thursday too, just because I need a wheel thrown piece with hand build extensions for my last project in ceramics.
Tomorrow i'm glazing my ceramic piece that was fired last week.
The lid to my coffin broke by the way.
We weren't able to dissect the brains because of the drug sniffing dogs that came into the school, so we were on lock down. We dissect on Thursday now.
I get to see my adviser tomorrow around 12:30pm to finalize my classes.
I also have my AP Lit test Thursday morning which I am NOT looking forward too. Really don't want to take it, but it cost 86$ of my OWN money.
Alec came over today and we ate at Avantis for supper.
This week is so hectic.
I finished my constitution study guide, I have the test on Friday.
I've been floating around Twitter after reading in Poets & Writers that it was a good place for budding writers to meet with professional authors and expose your work.
I really want school to be over, I also might wear a dress I already have for graduation.
P.s. I added juggling to the list of talents to learn. Oh yes! Then maybe I can join a traveling circus!..Not really, but it would be an interesting experience.
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