Samhain, pronounced SOW-WEEN, is a Pagan holiday which actually takes place on November 1st, much to the surprise of many individuals both Pagan and non-pagan alike. November 1st marks the beginning of the New Year for us Pagan folk. The story goes that October 31st, Halloween or All Hallows Eve, the God begins his descent into Death to be reborn again at Yule, December 20th-21st or the Winter Equinox. Now, why do people sometimes have a hard time deciphering the difference? Because technically, Samhain begins at night fall on Halloween, and ends at sunset on November 1st. Samhain is seen as a celebration of the harvest, and with that, death and the natural role death plays for all living things; because of this the festival is held at the beginning of night fall, when the veil is believed to be the thinnest between the living and the dead. Therefore, the reason November 1st is called, Samhain, and Halloween is not Samhain, is simply based in the tradition that Samhain takes place at dusk. You don't wake up on Halloween and Samhain begins, however, when you wake up on November 1st, it is still Samhain. It is a really small difference in terms of approximation, but, to a Pagan - this is incredibly important. Just as important as ensuring that you are doing the proper ritual during the corresponding moon phase, or at a certain time. All of these specific time lapses are incredibly important to Pagans and typical practices, because we are so dependent on the Earth and the corresponding changes.
So, if you are pagan or pagan friendly/interested in what you may focus on or do on such a day. Well here are some suggestions I have for you, and of course these can and should be adjusted to how you feel you should approach these suggestions.
They aren't set in stone, as they say.
Places to go:
You can visit anywhere where someone has passed away, where someone or something may be buried, or even areas where trees have been burned down.
*Graveyards (I'm hope go to one around dusk today, and since I know may of you are gothy - this may interest you.)
*Abandoned buildings (be careful, try not to get arrested or injured)
*A relatives home
*A place where something died of natural causes (you can go tend to a tree that has been struck by lighting or where something has been hit by a car and is crumbled up on the side of the road)
Things to do:
*Make a wreath or necklace or bracelet utilizing orange and black. You can use this as a way to honor the day, by wearing it or by placing it on your altar.
*You can write down your goals for the coming year, and visualize what you hope to accomplish. (I usually follow this by burning it)
*You can make something (such as a flower or a paper lantern) to give as a gift to someone or something that has passed away.
*Of course you can bake, as well. (Homemade Pumpkin Pie, Crescent Rolls, Cider etc. are all good choices on a day like today).
-If you don't have time to devote to a craft today, you can always simply light a candle (either a tea candle, or halloween themed). It would be best to place it in a window, if you have one that faces West (where the sun sets), or to set it in the center of your bedroom or living room.
Have a blessed Samhain everyone, and welcome the New Year

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