I'm going to change up my hawk, i'm re-dying the hawk black and the sideburns. But the sides will be bleached and dyed red. I'm hoping to get the materials tomorrow.

I've finished my creative writing homework for Monday.
I've been reading more on my kindle.
I went to Lowe's and got some 1x4x8ft of wood, had it cut and am making it into two canvas frames.
I also bought: a roll of chicken wire, a roll of wooden planks, six packages of specific flower seeds, and a spade.
I am making the back area behind my home into a small garden.
I chose them all and am lucky that they all need the same type of sun exposure and all bloom in the summer.
So next weekend, i'm sowing seeds!
I bought:
Poppy P. Carneum
Zinnia Candy Cane red on white
Scabiosa Summer berries mix
Poppy Giant Peony mix
Amaranthus summer poinsettia mix
I went for some darker slightly more gothic flowers.
I have more that I want but this is what I found at the store.
I think I have some bleeding hearts as well.
I also bought a blizzard from DQ.
And these boots.
I got some clothes from Alec's house and he snuck a wrapped present for me.
A little candle holder with an owls head.
He's too sweet, in a fantastic way.
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