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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Close to the end of the school year

So next week is my last full week of class and finals follow it.
I am excited for summer to be here, and the freedom of not having class.
I've been hanging out with friends, seeing movies and what not.
I've also been doing some reading.
I'm going to watch some movies and work on art tonight.
Next week is going to be crazy, so much is due for class.
I've got my final speech next Thursday, and a paper due Tuesday.
I've been thinking about possibly getting a different off-campus job.
I'm also going to be driving here soon!
Hopefully I can get my license.
I'm getting sick, I went to the doctor today and i've got the start of a sinus infection.
There is also huge controversy at school right now because of my large scale nude drawing.
I've got teachers who are fighting for my right to show nudes on college campus, someone complained because they had a child with them, so someone started putting a sheet over my art.
Those conservative asshats!

Fashion, to the left

Items I'd LOVE to buy:













Thursday, April 28, 2011



The beach, a magic place taking perfection from a mere concept to reality. The beach rarely fails to be, lets be humble and say... perfect. The sparkling sand, the waves that crush into it, sparkling bubbles of water and the pretty colored shells the call of the gulls, the sun shining in your face like an open gate to heaven in the sky. All of these make it more than perfect, makes the beach a place on earth where you always want to be.

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Choosing a swimwear isn't that much easy as one have to look for price, color, style, size and more. You need to satisfy yourself with your choice and whenever picking a swimsuit, check whether it fits you the best from a view from behind. Avoid suits which are too tight and light colored. Colors like white and yellow becomes see through as they gets wet.

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Chanel sunglasses are perfect for anyone who wants to capitalize upon practical functionality and exude a classy image that will be envied and admired.

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Men and Women Trendy Leather Belts

Men and Women Trendy Leather Belts
Guys tend to play it safe when it comes to their trendy leather belts, usually staying with shades of brown, black, and in some instances white. Women on the other hand tend to be a bit more stylish with their fashion belts, experimenting with pink, red, yellow, green, blue, while still faithful to black and brown belts.

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Men's Belts

Men's Belts

A belt is one of the most essential wardrobe pieces for most men, and many men feel like they are not really dressed unless they are wearing a men's belt. More than just a band of leather or cloth that holds your jeans or pants on your body securely; men's belts are also fashion accessories. Women have got their purses and shoes, men are wild about belts! Choosing the right one is important.

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Cycling is a wonderful pastime. It gets you out of doors; it gives you a chance to do something for your cardiovascular health with minimal impact to your joints; and it is quite exhilarating. However, a fun ride can quickly turn miserable if you are not wearing proper gear. Flappy jackets create wind resistance. Open-toed shoes are an invitation to injury. Heavy shirts that hold in sweat, and loose pants can catch in the bicycle's chain. Bad clothing choices have an impact. One of the most painful choices, however, is opting not to wear proper shorts.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Death of the Shaman

I feel like everything in my life is dying along with my heart.
so much grief.
So emotionally useless.
my whole world is caving in.
the death of the shaman

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Conch piercing?

I LOVE these pants. I don't know if they fit me, but they are badass.




So Cirque was fantastic.
Absolutely fantastic!
Alec and I spent the day together and part of Saturday.
I worked for him on saturday because he was really sick.
I found out Wicked is coming to town in October!!!
I want to finish Never Let me Go tonight, do some painting, watercolorings, and work on some of my last school work of the semester!
The tops above i'm thinking about buying, i'm not sure which of the three, but one of them!
I also got these awesome wedge heels at Kohls on Friday to wear to Cirque.

Alec showed me this chicago artist named Joyce Polance,

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Fashion Week - Opera - Paris

hebergeur image
Anna Dello Russo - Redactrice pour Vogue Nippon
& George Cortina - Redacteur et Styliste

Friday, April 22, 2011

Cirque Du Soleil

So yesterday was a good day.
I hung out with a work buddy, Jordan.
I talked to her about relationship stuff on her end and self love development on my end.
We hung out at barnes and nobles for about two hours.
I also went to the library and got three books to read:

I went to sleep at just after 8pm yesterday, woke up at 1:30am.
I did some painting and some organizing, I posted one of my last two poems for class.
I watched some I Love Lucy episodes before falling asleep at after 4:30am.
I woke up at around 10:30am.
I think i'm going to re-dye the sides a brighter red, do some painting/drawing, and go see Cirque Du Soleil tonight!!
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