Painting -
Russian Lit
3D Design
Abnormal psychology
Brit Lit
Summer: 2012
SO, i've decided to try to approach life one day at a time to reduce my stress.
I'm a very busy person, and therefore don't get much sleep, which causes me lots of stress.
Stress causes me to feel down about/on myself, feeling self doubt, and all that jazz.
This has caused me to not really make anything artistically since my figure drawing final last semester.
This has to change!
If I want to be an artist then I need to pump out work more regularly and stop being a dingbat and feeling down about myself.
AND good news, i've got a portfolio review with the administration at SAIC on April 7th @ 2:30 after the tour, and Alec has a portfolio review as well.
Therefore, over this spring break next week i'm going to spend most of my time building up my work and finishing my derby swap.
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