Lots of work at school, trying to gather enough money to move out etc.
I wasn't drafted to a team this time around, however, we have our first game October 23rd at the EP Convention Center and I have a good chance of being put on the roster.
I'm going to buy white 125s when I get the money, and i'm pretty sure i'm a size 5".
Which would explain all the problems with my current R3's being a size 7".
Alec and I are going to have to wait to move away for art school so i've come up with a plan.
I'm getting two tattoos on November 1st and i'm going to get my half sleeve priced here soon.
I'm getting my hair colored again this coming Thursday, i'm going to ask for orange or a shade of blonde to go underneath my red.
I'm going to start stretching again depending on the job I get outside of ICC.
I'd like to get to a O or 8.25mm.
I really want a vertical labret piercing, a girl in my poetry class has one and i'm considering asking her where she got it.
I wasn't aware of any parlors nearby that offered that piercing.
I'm working on an art piece right now of a naked woman with antlers in a gas mask.
I'm going to go ahead and get my Associates from ICC in art, I wasn't going to get a degree and just transfer due to class confliction.
After I get my Associates in art i'm going to get an Associate in Library Assistance, which will allow me to work in a library right after I get my degree.
This way while i'm pursuing art I can work as a librarian.
(This has the possibility to change)
Spring 2011:
*PHSC 114 (Astronomy)
*Comm 110
Ceramics I
Figure Drawing I
Lit 115 (Mythology)
*Math 105 or 110
French I
Fall 2011:
*Hist 11 (History of Asia)
PSY 225 (Abnormal Psychology)
*3D Design
Photography I
French II
Spring 2012:
*Math 110 or 115
Lit 119 (Women's Lit)
Photography II
French III
Creative Writing: Fiction
I'll need to talk to my adviser about not re-taking gen eds if possible for my library technician thing.
$12.99 (2+) 6mm-10mm
$4.99 (2+) 8g-9/16"
$4.49 (2+)
I've been wondering about getting a septum ring or vertical labret.
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