Yay me?
Alec and I are trying to get a car fixed up so we can drive and then get a place.
Potentially at the Murray building.
We had our open skate yesterday, it was fun, but at first I was really psyched out for some reason.
I get to reserve my derby name Thursday.
I'm going to buy new wheels so I can skate outside.
I'm trying to get on the next hitting group which will be 4/25, a Sunday.
I have to work on, basic skills, speed, crossovers, stability, and no flailing. (Those are the things she said she'd be looking for in her next hitting group).
I have another interview at Lakeview Museum, they want me to do a bunch of writing for them as well as hanging art.
I have to show them writing samples at my next interview 4/23.
I'm applying for two jobs at ICC, one as an Arts/entertainment editor and the other for The Studio, a writing help lab.
I also want to enter into an art show this week here on campus.
Tomorrow is the Three year for me and Alec.
The Internship at lakeview has a dress code. No sneakers, dress semi professionally etc.
So, I need to get new shoes.
I'm also going to be making a black bag with bat print inside as well as a white no sleeve long cardigan with black splatters.
I really love these shoes, but I can't find them, and I love her shirt.
I envision wearing them with fishnets or lace tights.
Anyone care to help me find these shoes?
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