Got done getting ready around 6:15am, which sucked because Roxie didn't come by until almost 7am.
She picked me up and we went to go get Courtney.
We got to ICC with more than enough time before class.
We sat down at an outside table talking about tattoos and music.
I listenned to punk music this morning and realized that it's good music to "wake up" too.
I went to my first hour and ran into Maria from MAP.
Which was really cool.
We sat next each other and talked for a while.
The guys all sat on one side and the girls on the other.
Me and Maria talked to this girl with a septum retainer in, she seems like she could be really cool.
We talked about Quinton Terrantino and Evil Dead.
Then this girl with pinkish purple hair came in, and me and Maria waved at her when she looked at us.
She looked away rolling her eyes and then sat right next to me.
So, i'm not sure if I should talk to her or if she's going to be an upitty bitch.
We got let out an hour before expected time, and me and Maria walked around campus together talking until my English class started.
My English class is all internet and computer based, she doesn't want ANYTHING on paper.
Which isn't too bad.
We have 6 essays this semmester.
Then I went downstairs and got cheese fries, a brownie and a large cherry coke.
I bought chili Fritos and Vitamin water earlier in the day.
I walked out and tried to see if my English book was here along with the sketch book that I have to buy for color and design.
Englihs book= No, Sketch book= Yes
I have almost no money, I get paid Friday and he wants our supplies BY Friday.
Which bites.
Then I met up with Alec who got on campus around 11:45am.
We went to Zoology.
Which is pretty interesting.
I accidently talked over a girl when we introduced ourselves though.
We took some basic notes and he was really excited that he had Alec and I, art majors, in his course.
He said we were the largest number of artists he's had in his class at once.
Which is sad.
We have to read chapters 1 & 4, before Wednesday.
We found Dirksen Hall, which is where Alec has first hour tomorrow.
I went to Alec's house afterwards and we ate Little Ceaser's sausage pizza.
Then I came home and had a nap, and am going to go read those chapters.
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