His Grandma decided to come pick us up at 2pm for our volunteer shift at 3pm.
We got there and nobody was there, so we just walked around for a bit.
They began loading chairs into parking spots around 3:30pm and so we went to help.
We got our free shirts and Erin showed up! So we got to talk to her.
We were in charge of the kids fine arts area, so we had to get ten tables together.
We were waiting for a while for the yellow truck to appear.
After it showed up, we unloaded it and then they sent us to help this older man who was an artist.
We helped him set up his tent and such, he was a photographer.
We went to this bar called Apostrophe because EVERYONE kept telling us they had free pizza, so we got pizza and this lady who helped out with the art show told us not to eat the pizza unless we planned on buying something. In which she OBVIOUSLY thought we were going to leave instead we bought a lemonade and kept eating while she scowled. It would've been different had the bartender asked us to buy something, but he had no problem and gave us pieces of pizza. So we were like WTF?! to this lady.
Then we walked home, four miles.
We saw a dead lizard, I wanted to take it's skull and spine home but there were lots of maggots.
That's about it.
I want hair this color.
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