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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Blue-Orange Girl - Paris Fashion Week

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MAP day Seven

So I woke up at 7:45am because my mom has been calling at 7:10am, when I don't NEED to be woken up until 7:30am.
*sigh*I wore a new summer hoodie with green zebra print today.
I boought a bunch of new clothes a few Saturday's ago.
Sometime i'll show it all to you.
We finished our marquettes and then began our final project.
I finished the base and the neck today.
I was so surprised that I learned more with Jerry [the clay mentor] than I did with any other clay teacher. I actually feel slightly confident about wheel thrown pieces.
He made most of my base though, but hey.
Whatever I guess?
I need to finish smoothing out the neck, creating the spout, seven rabbit heads, a handle and design work.
It'll go a lot faster than it sounds.
I'm hoping to have most of it done by this Thursday, since we don't have class at ALL Friday.
Alec and I might go on a camping trip with some work friends this weekend, to like Minnesota?!
Apparently we are allowed to stay after MAP until 6pm and come on Saturdays to work on our pieces.
So, I want to try to get two clay pieces finished for my show.
I might incorporate rabbits into the second one, so it flows together.
I finished typing my Scholarship thank you letter and am going to try to send it when I leave the library in 15minutes.
I need to figure out the form for my Modular Progression, my present ideas are either a series of circles or a really scratchy tree.
Maybe, I should find an organic shape.
The news is coming to MAP tomorrow to interview one of the apprentices and then check out all our work.
It's really interesting.
We ate at Jimmy Johns again, Oh so goood.
And I work tonight at 9pm-1am.
I just realized i'm overly ambitious, oh well.
It's not always a bad thing.

I checked out three books from the library yesterday.
Life as we knew it
The Empty Mirror

All due back the 13th.

Faces of Fashion Week

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Monday, June 29, 2009

MAP day Six

My parents have been out of town since early yesterday and they left me with a faulty computer and a retarded dog.
I woke up at 7:30am and had to clean up dog shit.
That, was so NOT fun.
I was incredibly pissed, it's my parents fault, they baby her and take her out during the night!
Anyhow, we got to MAP and our new mentor, Jim??
Got us started with our syllabus of what components our main project has to have.
It has to be a vessel form and has to incorporate at least two different methods of construction.
I had a LOT of ideas, most were really good too.
I decided on this one that i'm going to put molded rabbit faces on, if I finish it in time i'd like to make this other one too.
Right now i'm at the Lakeview library trying to get my Peoria Promise essay done so that I can recieve 95% financial aid. It has to be typed by this Thursday.
None of the computers i've come into contact with[ including this one!] have the program I used to type most of it.
Which sucks major ass.
Also, this computer has a timer at the top, it only allows you to be on for 60 minutes at a time.
Anyhow, once I finish my essay, i'm going to find my modern artist to write about for MAP.
Also, figure out the construction of the modular progression, i've decided it will be constructed out of lines.
AND try to fit another clay piece into my show.
So much to do!
We ate at Jimmy Johns today, it was pretty good.
Me, Alec and Kyle all went to the Gazebo to eat.
I went straight from MAP to work because I covered the first hour of Alec's shift because he had a doctors appointment.

It sucks that I was looking forward to my parents being gone, only for everything to go wrong RIGHT before they leave. Just so they can say "we'll fix it when we get back!".
It sucks....

I want a Kristen Ferrell tattoo.
Btw, I also figured out who I want to do my Extra credit MAP artist thing on.
Kristen Ferrel.

Smoking - Non Smoking Girl - Paris Fashion Week

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Yeah Yeah Yeahs ! Karen !

Shoes at Paris Fashion Week

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Same but Different ... Jean Paul Paula

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Jean-Paul Paula's Blog here

Friday, June 26, 2009

MAP day Five

We took our photo for our post cards.
We talked more about the Modular Progression project.
Next week is clay work.
My parents are gone from Early Sunday till late Thursday this coming week.
I've had to work daily since Tuesday.
I got sent home today and yesterday though.
We had a potluck for lunch and I made Honey cake, everyone loved it.
We watched this Art 21 video on an outsider artist who created the world of the unreal.
He was very strange, he drew little girls with penises.
But, he was interesting none the less.
We saw a woman who used silhouettes she'd draw and cut out, to create depictions of grotesque aspects of slavery.
It was really good.
I'm so tired.

The "forgot to ask her name Girl" - Paris Fashion Week

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It was at Walter Van Beirendonck Show this morning ....

Charly & his T-Shirt - Paris Fashion Week

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Let's begin this Fashion Week in Paris by Charly
(Model at the CERRUTI Fashion Show today).
The King of the Pop is dead - Michael Jackson is gone.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

MAP day Four

We had a bit of a downday.
We watched some art 21 and brainstormed our postcard ideas for later this months mailing.
We decided on an artistic take on the Last Supper painting.
We went to an antique store during our lunch break, it was two hours instead of just one.

These were posters in the antique store.
Maybe i'll do a creepy clown for silkscreening and I really liked The Birds.

Laetitia - Paris

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I am an actress
My T-Shirt is a MARC JACOBS.
Slim jeans by DIESEL.
Fashion should be chic & sport.
My look is a little Rock&Roll, but not too much !
I love some people. There is some people I don't like.
My message to the world: Think positiv !

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

MAP Day Three

We began with a critique.
It was informal which made Erin angry in the end.
Here are my pieces.
Color paper:

B&W paper:

B&W paint:

Color paint:

In case if you don't remember, we did this from a series of ink rubbings made from string and had to choose a portion to blow up and create in the ways above [B&W paint etc.].
Us at lunch at the Gazebo.

From left to right:
Teresa, Laura and Maria.
They are from Peoria Christian High School.

From left to right:
Maria, Christine, Jana and Aaron is behind Jana.

Quinton, Gabi and Kyle


From left to right:
Aaron, Christine, Jana, Quinton, Alec, Gabi, Teresa's legs and Laura.

Fredo - Paris

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I am a Hip-Hop Dancer
I wear a cardigan from my mother.
T-Shirt by OBEY.
Shorts vintage. NIKE Blazer.
Bag by VAN'S
Perfume: "One Million" by PACO RABANNE.
Fashion is a funny Madness. My look is retro eclectic.
I love friendship. I don't like inequality.
My message to the world: Live a life in harmony.

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