WE had a fire drill second hour, I also dropped Chemistry Monday for Study hall because I was getting an F no matter what.
I found out my AP English exam is next Thursday, I thought it was two weeks away still.
We get out of school in three weeks.
I have my Constitution test next week that I have to pass in order to graduate.
I still don't have my graduation gown and stuff[mom still hasn't paid it all] and I got my hair cut today. Only she cut it A LOT shorter than I anticipated, so i'm still in shock over it, but it's not as bad as it was when it first got done.
I have to talk to my mom because I have reason to believe she might be cheating/finding some guy on the side over her boyfriend [Brad] who has been with us for four years. I need to smack some reality into her.
I changed my major at ICC today, to Liberal Arts, and want to change my BIO class and add an art class.
I dropped my summer course in English, 1) because I didn't want a college class the summer before I start college. I want to semi-relax and 2) because it cost around 200+ and it was due May 5th.
I changed my major to Liberal Arts in the hopes that it will be a smoother transition to SAIC, assuming I get in, to do Creative Writing and Studio arts with an emphasis in painting.
I won't know till Mid May about MAP.
I want to go to Freedom Ink sometime this weekend to try to get an estimation on my Alice in Wonderland tattoo idea.
I took money off my card and talked to the guy at Woodford National Bank [I don't remember if I told you guys I opened an account with them and got a debit card without parental signature or supervision.Huzzah!]. I'm going to open another credit account for savings, i've got 243$ saved right now. I did have more but had to pay my AP fee.
I've been thinking about how cool it would be to get a small brain tattooed or a bee behind my ear.
I sent my last piece to MAP yesterday.
Friday is Beltane and I have to work...but before work i'm making baked goods and making a pagan blog post.
We have brown bag it that day [this Friday] and that means after second hour we get to leave school to go on an art field trip downtown and spend the day looking at art.
I'll be taking some photos.
I was going to do an AP multiple choice practice test, BUT I had some slight trauma when I first saw my hair.
I'll do it during 2nd hour tomorrow and one when I get home.
Or, i'll do the essays during 1st hour and multiple choice during 2nd hour study hall.
Then just review grammar and stuff at home and study tips.
Here is my hair.
I'm not sure how I feel about it. A lot of people say it looks really good, but I think i'm just in so much shock from it being below my collarbone to being right under my chin in less than an hour.
I've never had hair so short before, i'm unsure what to think.
Oh, I also did the deed. I dyed my hair completely black because it was too short for the blonde to show up at all or look good. There was a small patch in the back and I needed to dye my hair black again anyway.
So yeah.
It's all black now, I might bleach some part of it once it grows out a bit and dye it red.
Or put red highlights in it.
So yeah.
That's about it. Just a really hectic last three weeks of school.
Fairly stressful.
What if it was a small brain with something quirky added. Like a brain on a stick or something.
behind my ear like this. A strangely drawn brain maybe? It's just an idea or a cute bee.
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