It fits perfectly, so that made me happy.
I finished my skirt, but I have to re-hem it now.
I got a thing in the mail about SAIC, i've decided i'm going to work really hard to get in.
Since i'm doing the two years of ICC, then transfer to SAIC thing.
It's crazy how much I want to go to that school, it really is.
I've got a college financial aid interview on Sunday at 10am.
Tomorrow is Alec's birthday, so I won't be on for most of the day.
I'm going to start doing more creative things, since I want too, but I have a fear of it not turning out right.
But, i'm going to try to get over that, because it holds back my creative juices.
I'm helping out the Peoria Art Guild in September, for the annual Fine Art Festival, i'm helping the artists set up and find out where they go and i'm going to watch their stuff while their gone to the restroom and such.
Apparently Halloween USA is moving up the street from me, which is amazingly convenient, since I need a job at a Halloween store.
I might sew some more today or read or paint.
I love painting, even though I don't do it enough.
So Trinidy is going to start on a 'rough' portfolio.
P.s. My butt hurts.
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