I've been in shock most of the time. Random crying fits and then being nearly 'fine'.
I've been worrying Alec because of it.
I really don't know what to do or say. I'm not much of a conversationalist during these times.
I loved my grandpa.
He just turned 80 almost 10 days before his death.
That was the last time I saw him, he's being cremated.
He died of a heartattack.
But he had a stroke, went blind in one eye, and had two other heartattacks just within the last four months.
My grandpa was always a fighter though.
So yeah.
Alec got to stay till 11:30pm, because his mom was worried about me.
So she wanted him to be there, but he couldn't stay over, of course.
One of the last things my Grandpa said to me was that he was proud of me for completing high school this year and he's happy i'm going to college.
And that he loved me.
My Grandpa was born in 1928, he saw a lot.
And endured a lot, he couldn't read.
And if I see a picture of him, I burst into tears.
I miss my grandpa.
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