This past Saturday I had a friend of mine come over, and we began our pumpkin carving! I had originally intended on getting an early start, but seeing as I was out till past 3am due to the RHPS production I saw the night before. That just wasn't going to happen. We began around noon or just after, whenever she managed to wake me from my slumber.
I had four total pumpkins, we intended on splitting them even. But, in the end, I decided i'd only carve one, because my other pumpkin was much too beautiful. Pumpkin pie may be in my very near future. This weekend, perhaps? After we did our carving we went out to eat, and then to pass the time before our Halloween party. We ended up at Claires, the mall store, because I saw something Halloweeney in the display. Much to my astonishment I found this adorable pocketwatch, that not only looks vintage, but actually works! I can set the time, and the top pops open!
I also found a clown broach to put on my new lovely Heavy Red coat, the coat will have a raving review in the very near future.
At the Halloween party, I won second place in the costume contest, by vote. The costume of which I was wearing, was just my regular clothes. I took someones top hat, and another persons scythe and claimed I was Death.
(You can kinda see my black and white vertical tights)
It seemed fitting.
Today, I found a dead mole at the entrance to the woods behind the school.
How many of you remember the dead birds? Well, I currently have lost count of how many dead birds I have drying in my possession. Today I found a rather large mole, and scooped him up in a clear trash bag and put him in my deep freezer here at home.
I'm going to do some small spellwork tonight, since All Hallows Eve (the day before Samhain) is the most potent night of the year, magickally.
Blessed Be