I'm participating in NaNoWriMo this year.
I'm really excited though.
I'm worried I haven't planned enough though, now that I think about it.
NaNoWriMo is National Author Writing Month, basically you spend all of November, from the stroke of midnight on October 31st till 11:59pm November 30th, writing a 50,000 word novel.
No editing.
I haven't decided what i'm writing about yet, and I need to clean my room this weekend.
My time to clean might be limited due to NaNoWriMo madness.
I'm getting ready to download a novel writing program, make some notecards of characters and possible plot scenes/sequences, and the climax.
Since you cannot write anything about the story until Nov 1st.
Gathering material will be a good idea.
I'm going to reduce the amount of reading I do, so that I can find time to participate in NaNoWriMo.
I'll see how it effects my art and I might have to work something out so I can still make enough art during November.
The league is going on a hiatus for the holidays here soon, so I might have to miss a tuesday or every other tuesday.
Unsure about it since this is my first attempt.
If I find time to write everyday it is 1,660 words (I believe), my goal is to spend certain days writing much more than that so I don't devote everyday to NaNo, it isn't entirely practical to do everyday.
Wish me luck eh?!