Friday, July 30, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Smile - Rue de Turenne - Paris
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Lucy Died
I'll re-cap my weekend for you.
She got out and ran around my room while I wasn't home, so I made an appointment to go to the vet Friday morning.
I woke up and noticed bits of blood in her bedding, I thought it was coming from her incision and that she needed a new shirt.
We got there, I was there for 4 hours.
She bled a LOT while we were there and I realized it was coming from her vulva.
I also noticed mites had developed while we were there.
The vet said she was dehydrated and gave her fluids and a shot for the mites.
They said the mites have probably always been there (since she's a rescue) but that she has gone through stress which allows them to survive.
I realized she wasn't getting better.
She was wobbling, she slept more than normal and seemed to be in pain.
I cried because I realized she wasn't going to make it.
I put her in her regular cage with the others in the hope that she'd feel a bit more comfortable.
I fed her tons of treats and held her for hours.
I held her for a long time, feeding her treats and crying.
I didn't go to school, I couldn't sleep for more than 2hours for most of the weekend.
I had the vet look her over and she said that she was: dehydrated, you could feel her bones and organs and her heart beat was irregular.
The bleeding was coming from her reproductive organs which cannot be removed because of her age.
(I asked them before if she could get spayed because it reduces the likelihood of females getting the growths like she had back in may/june)
Basically she'd die from blood loss and either her heart would give out or she'd hemorrhage and bleed to death.
I couldn't deal with the thought of her being in so much pain and dying so brutally.
At 10:00am I had to put her to sleep.
I was there when they gave her the shot and she squeaked in pain so I scooped her up and held her till her heart stopped beating.
It was by far the most terrible experience i've ever been through.
I'm still feeling a lot of grief over loosing her.
They gave me a little polymer clay mold with her paw prints.
Alec stayed with me the whole weekend and tonight.
I buried her at my grandma's house.
I buried her in my Edward Gorey shirt that I held her in at the vets office when she passed.
I wrote her a note and gave her an almond that she had started to eat Monday night.
I put purple wild flowers on her grave.
It rained and washed it away, I can't tell exactly where she is buried now.
But, i'm okay with that.
I feel like she has been slowed up by the Earth after I asked for her body to be safe.
I'm pretty numb and probably will be for a while.
Gabriella - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris
"I am an Art Student
For me Fashion is dressing up each day and
make the place looks nice, rather than
wearing boring clothes. Today my look
is "Barbara Beehive in Paris" !
I love having good health and being able
to walk around. I hate having a bad head
day. My message to the world: enjoy each
day as if it was the last ..."
I am wearing a top by BLANC BLEU
Skirt by GIG SAW
Red ribbon of Barabara Behave
Monday, July 26, 2010
Alice - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris
"I am a Flamenco Dancer.
For me Fashion is 1 hour to prepare, so I am 1 hour
late ! Today, my look is Rock a little.
I love to dance. I hate oysters and coriander.
My message to the world: travel to open your mind".
I wear a T-Shirt "The Cure"
a vintage skirt
shoes by HOWS
belt I don't know
Bag from a creator of Australia
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Linnea - Rue Tiquetonne - Paris
"I am studying French.
For me Fashion is a way to express my creativity,
It depends in wich mood I am.
Today, my look is like tired-relaxed, a little
hang-over. I love to meet new people and experiment
news things. I dislike narrow-mind people that don't enjoy
life. My message to the world: Style is to know what you
are and what you want, and don't give a fuck about the rest !"
I wear vintage jeans shorts
White Top by H&M
Bohemian chic Boots by ?
Sunnies by RAYBAN
Perfume: "Angel" by T.MUGLER
Friday, July 23, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Kevin - Rue St-Martin - Paris
"I am a Fashion Magazine Editor.
Fashion is like Life-Style. It's everywhere.
Today, my look is lazy. I love adventurous
side of life. I don't like people losing
this adventurous side getting older.
My message to the world: Life is short !"
I wear a vintage sweater
Converse sneakers
Perfume: ARMANI
Kevin's Mag click
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
GI Sarah - Place Vendôme - Paris
"I am just graduated of a Fashion School of Paris.
Fashion fills my life between work and pleasure.
My look is military vintage. I love People.
I hate custard tarts and people acting like
custard tarts. If I had 1000€ to spend in Fashion
stuff, I would buy CHANEL Shoes. My message to
the world: Take off your clothes !"
I wear vintage silk pyjamas
Vintage forage cap
Vintage clutch and sunnies
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Push's first bout: July 17th
It was a lot of fun.

I nearly lost my voice from screaming so much.
We lost, by quite a bit.
But it was a learning experience.
I'm excited to start doing real hitting group stuff now.
Our draft test is August 3rd.
I'm not going with my parents on vacation.
(Beebs, Fifi Fo Fum and Sweet D. in front.)
Friday, July 16, 2010
Francois - Place Vendôme - Paris
"I am a free artist
For me Fashion is an image
with symbolic influences in space
inscription. My look is quiet and transparent ...
I love classical poetry (Mallarmé & F. Villon).
I hate people who invest
in a look in an arrogant way. My message to the
world: Be simple and learn more how to make love !"
I wear a vintage jacket by CACHAREL
Basic Sailor top
Vintage LEVI'S pants
my belt is a vintage tie by HERMES
Black Mocassins
Perfume "Terre d'Hermès" on the neck
"Eau d'Hermès" on the body
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Anna Wintour - Paris Fashion Week
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
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