So I went to an open skate yesterday at a different rink.
It sucked.
Waaay too many kids.
There was a guy who was roller skating with his baby in her stroller.
I changed out my wheels and now have blue sugars on all four.
They are harder to skate in but that will develop more muscle to skate faster in regular 96a's.
So i'm wearing them for two months to see how much more improved I am.
I got my assessment card the other day, i've got backwards skating and the plow stop checked off.
Next monday I want one knee falls, T-stop, and two knee falls or jumps.
Within the next month I want to make it onto the hitting group, therefore I am skating a lot.
Now that I have my hybrid sugars I can skate outside.
I want to be jammer material by the end of summer.
Lucy, one of my rats, has a growth of some kind I noticed earlier this week, i'm taking her to the vet tomorrow.
I have a final at 8am-9:50am in Art History, then monday i've got 10-11:50am English and that is it until I start my summer class June 7th.
I need to get a car and I am in the process of getting an art studio space in pekin.
I'm hanging out with alec tomorrow after the vet appointment and Sunday after an open skate from 1-4pm.
I have training over the summer for my Studio Writing position this fall.
The Harbinger doesn't want me to be an editor but they want me to contribute my writing.
Once I become jammer material i'm buying myself a new set of indoor wheels.
-T-stop, one knee fall and jump/two knee falls marked off on Monday 17th.
-Monday 31st: two knee falls?, turn around toe stop, pack skating and lap time.
-Hitting group within the month.
-Jammer material by the end of summer (late August).
:treat for being jammer status-new indoor wheels!