I started a new art piece for Advanced Drawing, it had to be a 'conceptual self portrait'.
I really like mine so far.
Hopefully, I can post it soon; I need to start keeping together my art work that is going in to a portfolio for myself.
I had my first Derby meeting yesterday.
It seems like it is going to be a lot of fun, since we are starting after the season began in January, we are going to be practicing, no bouts, so we can pass the WFTDA(Women's Flat Track Derby Association) approval to skate in bouts next January.
I'm excited.
I bought my derby gear, I also bought tons of clothes from Salvation Army today.
I think i've FINALLY decided on my Derby name, but it won't be mine until after 20 practices within three months (the criteria to be an 'official' member of the team).
Then, I get to register it!
I'm thinking of silkscreening it on the back of my derby shirt and other things, like a jacket.
I bought and watched Whip It with Alec last night.
It was good, some things changed from the book but it was a good interpretation of it.
Our next Derby meeting is February 22nd, then March 1st and we OFFICIALLY start practice March 2nd.
We have to come up with a logo and a name for our team(s) [depending on the number of girls].
I bought Doc Martens and some books.
I need to buy outdoor wheels and a derby related shirt.
I also might be able to get Alec and I a car here soon!
I think i'll take pictures of all our practices and post them on here.
We are also going to visit other derby teams around Illinois and watch their bouts!
I'm also going to work out more and try to eat better.
I need to go sketch up some logo ideas and do more art history homework.
I'm SOOOO excited for Roller Derby!!!!