It has been raining like mad here.
We are under a tornado warning for a bit.
I'm temporarily alone, getting ready to go hang out with Alec and prevent the water leakage in his basement.
I finished Water For Elephants, what a wonderful story.
I've got a few resolutions and the biggest one is to feel good about my self, to not fall into that pit of depression and stagnation. To be engaged in my own future to the best of my ability.
And most importantly, to laugh at myself and to look at myself in an unflinching way, so that I can continue to grow and develop as an individual.
Other Resolutions:
*Delve more into my camera
*Slim down (which should happen now that i've switched BC, but it might take a few months still)
* Read 60 books, I read 53 this past year!* Plant some trees
*Start a compost pile
* Make two barn owl boxes
*Recycle whenever possible
* Gut my room